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There is an urge behind this beast
That sends it forth to tangible places
Where profundity drives outward
Drying out the wells of thought.
Like a passive dog barking inward
It sways the soul to some failing end
And remedies of it trap the crowd
Who become bound
To its changing faces.
Only the bat knows
the secret of every night.
So if you want to know
what happened in the dark,
you ask the bat.
There are mysteries
lurking in the dark.
Treasures are hidden within
the depths of the earth.
In the dark night up in the
galaxy at night is when the
heavens display their glory.
Within the darkness inside
the thick forest the mysteries
of creation hidden away from
the prowling eyes of humans
comes out to play.
Even beneath the ocean
where the surf searches
the sand for secrets,
there are mysteries
lurking therein.  
It is so difficult and even
near impossible to know
the thoughts a of man's heart.
Inside the silent thoughts of
the consciousness of man
mysteries are wrought there.
Within the sacred seed carried in
the dark recess of the man
and deposited inside the womb
of a woman for nine months,
the creation of life in the dark ******
are made manifest.
No eyes have ever seen the hidden
mysteries of creation.
No words can explain, express
or describe the wonders of God.
Utterance ceased when trying to
explain the beauty of the
mystery of creation.
No words can fully tell the stories
of all the mysterious things lurking
in the dark night of the earth.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
Captured and thrown into the dungeon of your love,
i was fed day and night with your beautiful words garnished and spiced with lies till i was fat and wanted no more.
lashed  and tortured by your persistent apologies.

Shattered and torn into shreds
like the grounds of the coliseum of Rome, where gladiators battle till they are bones.

your beautiful eyes and your deceits; words and opposite.
Our concrete promise broken like an egg; my feelings lingers yet.
My mind,

Oh my precious mind; my thoughts; my companion; my direction.
You have been with me from the time of my inception.

Together, you have fought with me to the ends of the earth.
You stuck with me in my brightest days and darkest night.
From cradle, you have shaped, nurtured and craved me into what I'm today; a beautiful imperfection.

Oh my precious mind.

A friend without strings.
The only one other than my creators, who knows my deepest secrets; my darkest thoughts, my greatest fears, my hopeless shames and my widest imagination.

I'm a reflection of you, and without you, I'd become like a bearing with no direction, an animal untamed, a man without ambition; whats a lion without its mane? Without you, i'd become insane; a mad man with blown fuse walking around in a loop, soon to be chained.

My mind,

My only companion, my loyal servant. The one who tames the beast in me and remains me of my humanity. The difference between me and an animal.
you speak the Truth regardless of how much it hurts me.

My mind,

A marvelous piece of God's jewelry,
a work of art, beautifully and wonderfully crafted as a  precious gift from my creator.
You're the medicine to my sickness, the antidote to my poison.

You're my poet; my artist; my counselor; my adviser and the day i lose you is the moment i stop existing.
Our mind is the greatest asset we possess and a very powerful tool. Its been our companion and bestfriend all through thick and thin. In solitude we sit, thinking and exploring our widest imaginations; our mind is at work. It enables us to feel those emotions, appreciate nature and make rational decisions.

— The End —