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  Feb 2019 Gabriel Bonney
Jason Drury
If I gave you my soul,
would you read each page?
Scribble notes of interest
and know me.
Would you take the time,
to help tape the seams?
Would you mend,
the fragility of my soul?
It tears and rips,
easily, emotionally.
Gabriel Bonney Feb 2019
The blind live by faith, not by sight
They live in the dark, but step in the light
The blind are guided by the noise
They follow the words of His voice
The blind dance in step of what they hear
They walk in the fog, but their path is clear
This poem was inspired by The Book of Eli. It’s a super good movie, and I love the symbolisms of faith. I think it gives a good picture of what it’s like to fully depend on God, and to truly live by faith rather than by sight. We are all walking blind in life, but most of us rather open our eyes and live within the realm of an apocalypse. But while I’m hear, I rather live by hearing the direction of God. My path is not clear, but I know the Lord is guiding me, because any moment I turn to Him, I can feel His presence, and I hear His voice, leading me step by step to finish the race.
Gabriel Bonney Feb 2019
Man gave names to all the animals
So no wonder we give names to our own
To what’s not in sight of our candles
What is hidden deep in our bones

It was man that labeled all the beasts
Was it our duty to name all our demons?
We crafted the dark on which we feast
Could this have any sort of meaning?

We’ve named the monsters under our bed
For some, it’s the flesh beneath our skin
It’s the addicts we keep locked within our head
We’re only engraving our own extinction
Gabriel Bonney Feb 2019
Wrote a suicide note
Thought it would be fun
Forgot what I wrote
I put down the gun
I have never written a suicide note, but I’m sure a lot of you have been there. I never have planned to **** myself, but I have been in a mindframe that would spiritually **** me. Because we fancy the darkness, and we fantasize about what it’s like. Then, before we know it, if we’re not careful on how we think, we’re depressed. It goes something like that. But now, as I go back to the things I have written before, and I try to critique them or add on, it just doesn’t feel right. I’m in a different, much better place, and you can be too. It’s like that saying, “If you want out of the whole, first you have to put down the shovel.” You’re able to make it out of this depressed, suicidal, anxious mindframe, to a point where you can’t even turn back. But first, you have to lay down the gun. Things truly do get better, once you start to change your mindframe. I don’t like the saying, “Fake it until you make it.” But when you read my poems, I try to incorporate hope, even when I don’t feel it. And eventually, after searching for that hope, I found it. And it turns out it was right in front of me all along.
Gabriel Bonney Jan 2019
I started the car
But I didn't get that far
I sat until the air drew thin
Still I stayed, even then
I waited for my death
Stripping myself of breath
My Savior opened the garage
And saved me from my *******
So I will drive out
And let the Lord direct my route
I wrote this back in December. I’ve used before the analogy of a car or driving to represent where I’m at in my faith, such as in “Cruise Control” or when I said before that I’m “far from home”. Here, I’m using it to say that I tried, myself, to get out of the darkness, or to live in the light of God. But I can’t do it by myself. If I had relied on my own strength, I would have still been dead spiritually. But God figuratively opened the garage door, or took me out of the darkness I was living in, and opened me up to the light. Now I’m able to take this vessel, me, and allow God to use it to bring His light to the world.
Gabriel Bonney Jan 2019
We want to jump off into His arms
But we don’t trust what it means to take the fall
Gabriel Bonney Jan 2019
i’m being sentimental...
                                            ...but i still
                                               miss you
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