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 Jan 2021 John Tan
Pakhi Singhal
what does an artist do of pain
she dwells in his pain
she lives her pain of love
she lets the pain eat her
and when she is completely engulfed by the pain
she dips her brush in the paint of pain
and paints the most expressive piece
but the mortals call it art
 Jan 2021 John Tan
Mr Shankley
I kissed a girl with a broken smile;
nothing could come near.
She carved it with a pocket knife;
slit from ear to ear.
And she wears it like her favourite scarf;
it keeps her from the cold.
So I told her its only woven by
her enemies of old.
 Mar 2020 John Tan
I tell my secrets to children
in the form of fairy tales
A "Once upon a time," is enough
to quiet down their wails
and I spin stories as well as spiders
weaving webs that a lost child
must navigate the tangled trails
with cleverness and wit
sharper than any sword
more accurate than any arrow
I speak of children who questioned
the established path of rejection
and this misguided idea of reciprocity,
"You must suffer because it happened to me."
Because my blessing in life was not brute strength
but a clear mind and clever tongue.
I tell my secrets to children
so that they may grow smarter because of them.
What can I say, I like to share stories.
 Sep 2019 John Tan
 Sep 2019 John Tan
i am so tired
everything that
exhausts me
keeps me
at night
having a hard time sleeping
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