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Mar 2018 · 548
A Tonge of Flowers
Husna Khellah Mar 2018
A thing which you must have
A thing which you can have for $0
But, to have it,
You must have lots of benign words
to all
And, put away all malice words
A Tongue of Flowers
Charge yourself with all the philanthropy
Never wait someone to have it first
YOU take it first and use it with all
No exceptions
Because if you never did
No one will
This talks about being kind to all people around you even if they aren't kind with you. Being kind to people is very simple; it can be by a word only. Can you imagine! This poem also tells: don't wait for people to be kind and loving so you can be kind. Instead, you start it; because if you didn't start it, people will stay being unkind to each other and you'll be the same; as a result, kindness won't be there.

— The End —