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  Aug 2018 Iska
The rain trickles down the windowpane
An unsure sentiment from the atmosphere
Hanging heavily from rose petals as they dance
With each new drip, every fallen drop
The water static singing sweetly in the dark
Iska Aug 2018
I feel like we lived in a bubble
All safe warm and secure
And now the bubble has popped
And we have lost the safety for sure
Iska Aug 2018
Stars look like some one spilled a cluster of polished stones and it’s scattered all across the sky
And they’ve been there ever since stuck billowing fabric of time
Iska Aug 2018
I can feel you slipping
Your spiraling away
I am gasping for breath
At a loss of what to say.
Iska Aug 2018
What do you think would happen
If I decided I no longer care?
Not for the smile I show
Nor for my need of air?
My pearly whites line in a row
And the pain inside slowly starts to show..
Iska Aug 2018
Scattered memories float past my fingertips collecting like dust upon the stars.
  Aug 2018 Iska
The most powerful demons reside in angels,
for angels are crafted in Hell.
Hearts carved from stone and glass,
and a beautiful burned mask to shell.

But Hell is not run by demons,
for demons are not the evilest beings to abound.
Even worse is a being born pure,
lured to darkness by its sweet, silent sound.
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