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Illegals whatever term is politically correct
The situation will worsen if left unchecked
hell-bent on taking America down
Started in the cities , and then in the towns

First they steal our ID then our home
They work in packs, groups, not alone
Protests pretense for violence in our streets
Enlisting people on the Internet with tweets

Wake Up! Where do we draw the line?
Civil unrest through the passage of time
Lessons ignorant Americans must learn
Emotions; anger rage hatred, to Discern

Protesters have become embolden
Is the United States now beholden?
Yet, if this was done in their country or land
Strict penalty Cut off their head or hand

Nations deride America as soft and weak
They want to bring her to her feet
They use intimidation to gain control
That’s what they learn, it’s all they know

Americans are frustrated by their rage
This is not how America chooses to engage
Push comes to shove what do we do?
America needs to stand up or die a fool

Illegal Immigrants invaded our land
Not to assimilate but to take a stand
Our values of freedom must stay the same
They claim to be Americans only In name

If all our rules are unacceptable don’t delay
There’s absolutely no need to stay
Red white and blue the American way
paid the price, freedom ,values, won’t sway

10 million people illegally now are here
Death to America is what they chant, cheer
Our government is responsible for this
To gain political power, tyrannical bliss

Pull back the curtain Eugenics at play
Powerful people demand their say
Our future is not going to end well
America, emerging AI, the new living hell

BLT where does the day challenge?
Deride 6-3-24
To DERIDE  someone or some thing is to subject them to usually harsh and bitter, insults or criticism
Americans need to stand strong together. Agree to disagree. Safety in numbers. We are at a precipice. There are forces that want to destroy America. we’re too busy squabbling amongst ourselves like bratty little children.. The whole thing about having a gun, the 2nd and 14th amendment in our constitution, is to protect us from The enemy, foreign and DOMESTIC . It’s not about these silly little issues. People will never see eye to eye. These are distractions they don’t matter. The bigger picture.. it’s about good versus evil. Think what it means for our nation to be A Marxist socialization humanization dictator Country. We are the only place on earth that is like America. Why do you think so many people want to get in your country even illegally? . I just don’t get why people don’t realize the consequences.
Your Subjective truth
Someone else will Not believe
One is right, other wrong
Today’s argument that you believe my way, or hit the highway you’re wrong. So many fallacies in their argument, or lack there of. This is the way it is I don’t have to explain myself do as I say, not as I do.
CJ Sutherland Jun 24
Hate the other side
Polemic left, right divide
Yet they claim with pride

Hate the other side
Together common causes
Survival tactics

Hate the other side
There is safety in numbers
Evil flow riptide

Hare the other side
Destroy enemy all costs
Unity is lost

Hate the other side
Deception rules the day
Each issue two sides

BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Polemic 6-23-24 strong, written, or spoken attack against somebody else’s opinion, belief or practice.
RENKU A collaborative form by multiple poets, working together to create a single poem with a 5–7–5 syllables Haiku
Each haiku is ment to be in response to the previous haiku
This poem purposely does not take a side. Whatever side you’re on, they’ll be another side.
There are two sides to a coin.
For me to understand the entire problem, I must be able to equally see both sides.
As an instructor of ethnics ;students had to pick a side and defend their opinion. After they perfected that opinion,
I pulled the rug
each student had to  switch sides and defend the other side. Equally with the same enthusiasm. Only then can we see the fallacies in both sides. I don’t believe in all or nothing statements, the far right. The far left;
People live in the shades of gray between the two polar extremes. The only time there is no solution is when people stop talking
I don’t think I’m always right
By the same token . I’m not always wrong.
But i sure learned a lot along the way.
CJ Sutherland Jun 15
Brilliant minds have decided
To take the next logical step?
They have gathered for
A five day foist Symposium onAI.

What is artificial intelligence made for?
Unbeknownst to humanity scientist focus
On the areas of most significance;
Killing, spying, and brainwashing

Killing soldiers. Relentlessly Efficient,
Plundering Fortunes, spoils of war
******, death, ****, w/o moral ambiguity
Conscience has everyone keeping score

Spying surveillance twenty four seven
No more privacy, monitoring ALL activities
Political views, ****** orientation, money,
Phone, anything deemed inappropriate

“Know it all’s” will immediately rebuff  
This point of view
Conspiracy theory, right on cue
Their response is likely par for the course

You will own nothing And you must love it
Brainwashing, mind control, a brain chip
Keyboarding your thoughts, can it obtain
Who you are, your soul, what will remain?

Are we setting the proverbial stage
For a new form of human existence  life?
Will humans be hunted, The logical treat
AI self taught survival Evolution machine
BLT ;Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge
Unbeknownst6-15-24 unknown to a person or group.
Rebuff 6-14-24 to rebirth is to reject or criticize sharply
This was sitting in my draft poems and I forgot I had done a word of the day slip by so while I’m using the newer one the others are just bonus
Foist 5-31-24
usually used with on or in forced upon another person
A past words just for fun
Symposium 5-26-24
A formal meeting at which experts discuss a particular topic
CJ Sutherland Jun 21
Balance of power
USA vulnerable
Paradigm shift
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
A person, group, or thing that is open to attack harm or damage
There used to be
a plethora of students
who had to post poems
for school.  

Some felt the teacher’s
assignment was cool,
While others felt
the experience was cruel
The tweens, and the in between
Know what I mean
Trying to awaken creativity
Unlocked awareness activity

Some rose to the challenge,
it was wonderful, great
Others refused
to seriously participate .

The kids quickly learned
There are no wrong way
To share what they
want/need to say

Content first meter and style
Will develop after awhile.
The content quickly grew dark
As they open the recess of their heart.

To speak of wanting to DIE
You can feel their battered cry
Grasping with a world of fear
Afraid to say what is imagined or real

Each day worse the the one before
Shooters coming to the classroom door
Panic hide, under your desk, upon the floor
The shooter the only one keeping score

Friends dead before their eyes
Afraid to make a sound; a muffled cry
We all want to know WHY
Responsibility SCHOOLS denies

A million Questions all the same
This was no a drill nor a game
People going insane
Broken people remain

Time to pick up the pieces and move one
Life empty with loved ones gone
There are so little Outlets for creativity is in school today. Without becoming indoctrinated
School shootings there is no acceptable loss. Why don’t they build better schools to protect the youth. There are blue prints . Other schools have implemented to create a safe space. Yet, many schools are unprotected for the life of me. I can’t understand why. Guns don’t **** people
people **** people using guns. they need to get better about seeing the warning signs before the crimes lockdown bullying intimidation what are they turning the youth into when they graduate?
26 · Jun 21
Cacophony Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 21
Protesters threaten
Tear Gas, Smoke Bomb Vial stench
Smell Wafted through the air
Webster’s Word of the Day
Harsh unharmonious down example
Dishes, crashing on the floor, horn blaring in the street, people yelling in protest
Even though this word was months ago, I wanted to continue to use some of these older words to strengthen my
The Vocabulario of a person
23 · Dec 2023
Forever Friends
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
As a child, Elementary school
I remember getting A heart necklace
cut in half. We each have half
From my best friend. Friends to the end

  45 years, later we’re no longer friends
The friendship just ends
No hearts to mend
I just can’t pretend
That broke my soul
When she so easily let go

You might wonder
What could’ve happened
Biden versus Trump
One of us had to go
And I was the last to know

I had another friend
47 years we parted ways
In a public forum heated crazy
Biden versus Trump

I’ve never knew Somethings so silly
Can turn friendship to hate
Destiny or fate
When I ask why she hurt my heart
She said, whatever do you mean
By far the cruelest thing I’ve ever seen

Some people will never
have friends for that long
We danced over a lifetime of songs
People change over time this is true
But even through parting ways we grew

New friends are all around
Waiting to be found
People we meet in passing
At a gathering ,the grocery store
In many places more

Some we meet for a reason
Others longer for a season
A time and time, and a half, a time
We may never know God’s plan
We may never know why
A stranger offers a hand
Or why to talk
We chose to talk to a person that day
Or what profound effect came their way.
That still small voice told you what to say
and you listened.

The neighbors in passing,
and those you get to know,
perhaps a friendship
will blossom and grow.

The Uber driver
the Starbucks, coffee, maker,
The checker at the store.
We don’t think about them
That person who open the door for you

A kindness shown nothing for you to do..
Those people in line, random all by chance. look up from your phone,
Did you give them a glance.
Next time, give that stranger a chance.
I know in today’s climate
that’s a dicey position
Here that still  small voice,Listen
and hopefully make the transition
You might just meet you next best friend
Growing up, I was taught the two things you never discuss our politics and religion. My two best friends decided to end my friendship because I voted for Donald Trump. I really thought in time they would come around and see. That’s a silly reason we’ve weathered many. More prevalent storms, no matter what we always stayed friends even if we didn’t agree, so this one was hard to see and for me, it’s hard to accept
These two friendships lasted longer than many marriages

— The End —