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Wrote this back in 2013... Wanted to bring it forward to today, August 22,  which would have been Layne Stayley's 50th Birthday.

It was simple at first
I did it on a dare

There's a certain easiness
to difficult dares
when senses are dulled
by alcohol and fame

show me how
that color tastes

It was like
biting into the sun
it burned my tongue
and nothing else
would ever taste the same
or be the same
it calmed the storm
of daddy leaving
it was as if my
new found Catholicism
was a purgatory from where
I could see the bright white
pearly gates of heaven
and feel the chill
of their snow clad bars

colder than
the coldest winter chill

one night in a dream
my father told me
to meet him at the gates
and from that point
I went every night
but he never came
instead he died
and when he died
my dreams died
with him.

bury me softly
in this tomb

I continued to go there
night after night
I desperately wanted
to believe the gates
would lead to heaven
because in hell there's heat
and this place was cold
so cold with no sound
and no light only darkness

I would sit in the cold
for hours, losing all sense
of time, obligations
responsibilities, shivering
and sweating at the foot of
the gates, obsessed with the
furry luster of frozen pearls
the sound of silence and
the subtle shifting of
the weather

holding rare
flowers in bloom

a week, a month
a year would pass
the snow began to slip
in clumps and tumble
to the ground again
and again and again
and then
all hell broke loose
the heat was hot
the gates were gone
and I began to run

every path
led me to nowhere

the blue cold went red hot
and then turned black
I tried to leave that place
13 times I left and
13 times returned
there was nowhere else to go
no place to call home
I burned within my sick head

I wanted to peel
the skin from my face

so hot
I was bleeding for you
soaked in sweat
my calloused heart
would not ask for help

was far away

my hands were bruised
from breaking rocks all day
far from the chill
I couldn't remember
anymore anyway
so desperate
for a glimpse of snow
it all came down
to this

I could not live apart
from that place
and I could not live
within it

so tonight

I will marry the two
the here and the now with
the there and the then

mix the snow with the fire
mix the snow add the fire
mix   snow  with    fire
mix   snow  add    fire


I am burning
momma I am cold
mother please save me
don't leave me alone
I see you but
you've come too late
can you hold me anyway?
whisper in my ear
I'm so sorry mother
I haven't bathed in 2 weeks
momma come hold me please

I'm down in a hole mother
feeling so low mother

I'm so cold mother
come save me
take me home
I am dying

I am dead
sit with me
in silence
sit with me
I am dead

mommy I'm scared

black is all I feel
so this must be how it feels
to be free*

I am dead

In Memory of Layne Stayley
born August 22, 1967 died April 5, 2002
Re-Dedicated today on what would have been his 50th Birthday..
We live in a house
without ghosts or
previous tenants.
No one has died
or sold their soul

and no one has done
unspeakable things
behind closed doors

No one has endured
flaming words,
burning skin,
kicks and shoves
or broken bones

There are no
spun dust dead cells
come alive as
night prowl swirlings

and no manifestations
of such.

No leftover lives
nothing left behind

only peace
and quiet

But not back
when I lived with her
before I lived
with you.

she said I went crazy
when the neighbors asked
why I slept on the porch

It would have been crazier
had I slept inside the house

What happened
was worse than
the worst thing imaginable.
I would forever be changed
by what happened

She let evil enter
from across the globe when
mother Russia sent it in
the suitcase of a boy.

When I met you
I knew
my porch sleeping days
were over,
quite frankly anywhere.

Our first house
was 50 years old
yet we were only
the second owners.

Family must have mattered

The ghost was different

not frightening, not angry,
more nostalgic,
he used to sit out
on the porch
in my chair at night,
looking sad,
like he missed the place.

He didn’t mind us being
and I never felt threatened

On many occasions
he knew that I knew
he was
but he wouldn’t engage.
I felt sorry for him,
sitting out
all alone.

For a short while
we lived in a house
north of town.
We lived
before we lived

The ghosts
were more like what
you’d expect from ghosts.

First it was
the hogs in the attic
followed by
the children in the night,
it wasn’t unsafe
it just didn’t feel right

Someone wasn’t happy

so we left
and came
and built this house of love.

Now we live where
are no ghosts,
at least not in the house.

the history in my head
is what haunts me.

To move it out,
to delete it
would mean to be dead
or maybe lobotomized,
so no thank you
I think I’ll learn to live with

that aren’t

they still are.

My father is 85 and tells me
that they prey on your weakness
when you get older.
He cannot even speak of them
for fear of being institutionalized
or put away, or deemed insane,
but I believe him when he tells me
that they come to him at night,
and although he cannot see them
they sit on his bed and remind him
of all the mistakes he has made
in his lifetime.

I look at him
and I can see his pain.

My ghosts tell me its what
I have to look forward to.
when i fall,
i don't just fall in love.
clumsily, i stumble
down and then i land

awkwardly and graceless,
stuttering utterly at the foot
of a handsome man,

blundering an apology
out of breath, ineptly
embarrassed about
my shaky hands,

to dust myself off,
all the while, i try,
desperately, to stand

wishing i could disappear,
i rise as quickly as i can
waving off any helping hand

so he doesn't see
how incredibly stupid
i must be
A serious search for truths
Of deeper existential matters
Can change the way you believe and think.

Most shall never
Reach their roof
In the shadows of facts
And lack of proofs

In the cave that's given
Surrendered to roles
Sheltered in comforted
Feeble to old

Coming back around
To repeat life again
Judging, labeling
Assigning sin
Limiting love
To the circles within

We bind ourselves
By our beliefs
Only a traveling
Mind is truly free
Traveler Tim's
Sunday Rhyme!!
My soul is silent
It hardly makes a peep
It is out there in the shadows
With the darkness that it keeps

Forward motion
This inertia of time
One more gravity field
Holding me inside

Touch and go
My emotional flow
I look to the stars
To find my way home

You wonder why
I look to the sky
There's something
Way more beautiful
   On the other side...
Traveler Tim
HP 14
There's so much to love
In the aesthetics of existence
There's no stopping the heart
From being resistant

We all have a soul
So easy to squeeze
Carry it upon your shoulder
Wear it upon your sleeve
But here is
A simple little clue
The weight of the world
Is not just for you
Traveler Tim
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