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during my worst times
on the park benches
in the jails
or living with
I always had this certain
I wouldn't call it
it was more of an inner
that settled for
whatever was occuring
and it helped in the
and when relationships
went wrong
with the
it helped
through the
wars and the
the backalley fights
to awaken in a cheap room
in a strange city and
pull up the shade-
this was the craziest kind of

and to walk across the floor
to an old dresser with a
cracked mirror-
see myself, ugly,
grinning at it all.
what matters most is
how well you
walk through the
it's the same as before
or the other time
or the time before that.
here's a ****
and here's a ****
and here's trouble.

only each time
you think
well now I've learned:
I'll let her do that
and I'll do this,
I no longer want it all,
just some comfort
and some ***
and only a minor

now I'm waiting again
and the years run thin.
I have my radio
and the kitchen walls
are yellow.
I keep dumping bottles
and listening
for footsteps.

I hope that death contains
less than this.
Hell hounds
The buying of souls
I once met the Devil
Down at the cross roads
Deals were struck
In poetic prose
I rhymed myself
In to Hell's hold

And now whips of flames
Await my last breath
Mere songs and word
The demons all laugh
Eternal flesh laid to waste
The Devil wears
   A friendly face...
Traveler Tim

Actually I'm atheist!
The sun was bright and the breeze was nowhere to be found.
I sat alone but that wasn't a bad thing.

The peace I needed was not what a average man desired .
Most of those I knew had lovers , wives, family's , jobs that paid well and destroyed there souls all the same .

I had no responsibilities some thought this wrong.

I had once had a woman.
I in truth had known the comfort of many.

I loved one she no longer thought the same.

I never settled for something else when I could have that which I desired .

I didn't know freedom we all have our boundaries.
But sometimes alone in the silence I knew a peace few ever could .

I had the page and that was good enough for now .

Now if only I had a cool breeze and a cold drink then you probably wouldn't be reading this.

For life is always best lived not written about.

This was simply a pit stop and nothing more .

dont confuse class with circumstance
coincidence can happen to the richest man
for many a king has faced catastrophe
lost their heads holding a hand out in defeat
better men than them need to eat
"homeless" is such a benignly malignant word isnt it? doesnt really convey the sleeping in doorways, asking people for pennies to ignore your pride vibe of the thing.
they were tramps when i was a kid, and we respected them. theyd come back broken from wars. they were at least owed their place in the ennog unmolested.
then capitalism monetised them, made them a demographic and demonised them for their lack of spending power.
Im a ***** with a house. an english land owner of all things. that most noble of men apparently.
If you are a suicide survivor
Inbox me your name
And I’ll add it to my tattoos of others

You guys mean the world to me
And I have my own name on my arm
Because I too, am a suicide survivor.
Inbox me your name. Make this go viral so I get names. Hopefully it inspires someone to fight a little harder. Anyone wanna join me?

If you understand I’m sorry. Stay strong friend.
Almost there we can see Dry land
An open door from a helping hand
All those years in that deadly trap
We are moving on no turning back .
The future seems much brighter now
It's time to smile and stand up proud .
The past it seems has left its mark
But there's always light after dark.
So now we see new pastures green
No more nightmares, only dreams.
We took a chance standing on the ledge
Risking our lives close to the edge
We know that there are many more
Who are heading for that opened door
So come on friends and take that hand
And let it help you find dry land.
Alcohol  addiction  is common  with  all kinds of people even doctors and .
The good news is many do recover and find dry land .
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