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 Apr 2017 Oneironaut
There are so many defective computers,
Their cable cords tangled and fraying.
We don't know if we should fix their screens
Or turn off all electronics thirty minutes before bed.
We fear that their corrupted microchips
Will pass on their viruses
And steal our identities.
So we upgrade and receive a shiny new machine,
Content to let the fractured ones
Corrode in a dusty repair room,
Their helpless tones growing fainter
I wanted to experiment with using a metaphor and very plain language to write about something big and dark. I chose to express my thought about mental illness with a computer metaphor. Mental illness is gradually becoming a less taboo topic, but it still is ignored by a lot of people. We can't support our loved ones and friends who suffer this way if we ignore their signals because it makes us uncomfortable. Do what you can, be aware.
 Apr 2017 Oneironaut
Autumn Rose
Briar rose, ****** red,
Why do you dream of tangled
vines with thorns?
Briar rose, ****** red,
Why do you dream of the fair
maiden that mourns?
As pearls of winter fall upon you,
-How cruel is this season,
to inflict melancholy just by
freezing your petals in the
eternal swirl of time...
In a Cimmerian wood has my soul been hung,
The war long lost, the church bell rung
Declaring the verdict, her fate.

The day was warm, yet all my soul was frozen
She's just another heart, broken
A noose, in a gloomy wood, hell...

Swaying, my feet dangling off the ground...can't move
They say her form it does behoove
To be eternally silenced.

Whispering... How lovely to be dying there
Just another girl in a snare:
Another loose, fallen woman.

To my innocence i did testify
They knew her soul breathed only lies
Mute, taking all these false charges.

I can't, can't breathe at all: Love, take me to thee!
Save me from this Cimmerian tree.
You stand, a veil blurring your view.
 Apr 2017 Oneironaut
one day
you stop making
stupid kid mistakes
and start making
stupid adult mistakes.
Please tell me.
What will there be when you are gone?
And when the world forgets ....
Who shall be the hearth in the cold?
When we can only see stainless steel,
Tall and proud
Cursed by innovation
When we are obsolete
Who will carry the frail bones
That they might collect dust?
Echoes only shall remain
when poets have been killed

— The End —