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  Jun 2021 Anthony Pierre
The beautiful path of life.
26 June 2021

I walk on the edge of your beauty,
Morning sun that kisses the blue of the sky.
Sounds of the beach, rustling the leaves.
The sea of you gently caressing the rock that I am.
Awaiting the joy of your storm stirring me.
Living on the edge of you.
The beauty filled path of my life.
Anthony Pierre Jun 2021
Some may say:
It is missing something!

Indeed, some have said:
This is incomplete!


these stones lay
gray with lifelessness
gray as the clouds gathering
over his graphite city

such oddity of geometry
peculiar buildings with
perpendicular lines
raising parallel paradigms

and the unpainted sun
casts awkward shadows
across the gray stones -
empty sidewalks -
devoid of colours
devoid of life
devoid of people

Yes, where are the people?

but to critique my art
Anthony Pierre Jun 2021
La mort, après toi
ce soleil
ça brille et
ces ombres bougent

Pourtant, parmi tous
mes sombres circonstances
mon dieu, mon dieu

Death, after you
that sun
it shines and
these shadows move

Yet still among all
my dark circumstances
my god, my god
I live
Anthony Pierre May 2021
Nothing's here
You're gone; bye now
At this instant,
I hold no ill thoughts
of you, but
I am between
yesterday's clouds
oh so full, so grey
that fell with me at last
Night's black tears
puddles beneath
tomorrow's moving feet
Anthony Pierre Apr 2021
You think
you had enough, Silly?
It's a love song

Let us go
You and I
Where the music
Makes you high
Like patients etherized

What's wrong with that?

They will come
They will go
Speaking of Macca de Angelo
Tribute to Paul McCartney
Anthony Pierre Apr 2021
Let scarlet feathers go
as love does exiled too
One hundred leagues
One hundred Roman feet
One hundred prosody

For Augustus' dreams
condemns me treacherously
and I cannot breathe
Each gasp for life is death
Each death a new stanza

Let scarlet feathers go
as love does in exile, too
across white cloudy fields
beneath the asphalt sea
Let scarlet feathers go free
Ovid's Cure is certainly poetry
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