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I blame you for everything that is wrong on this planet I
Blame you for the feeling you inject in me everyday
A dose of fear and loathing to despise myself even more
It doesn't matter
How beautiful I am, how nice I am, how respectful I am
Resent me and make me abhor myself to feel better
You are popular and yet the message you send across those who love you is to
CHANGE everything you are to be someone else because
I am not perfect the way I am
Think by myself
Reject your opinion
Vote against you
Resist the pressure to be perfect I
Am courageous enough to protest and
Yell out loud everything that is wrong with the system I
Am no longer vulnerable I no longer
Doubt myself
Fear you
I make my own choices and I resist
The words carved in stone
Are washed away by thousands of steps taken to drown you
With our voices we drown you
With our voices we yell out that it takes
To endure the constant pressure to be better than who we already are and
We will not stand for it anymore
We refuse you
We take over
Are a two letter word that describes your end as we stand together against
May be one letter stronger than
But we won't give up on our freedom
We have fought forever and forever we will continue
To make you realize
Are stronger than
Can't win.
I believe a lot of people lie about liking being alone.
No one really wants to be alone.
It's a way to protect oneself, not a way to live.
It's a statement.
Being alone says:
"I can handle myself, I can take care of myself."
But it also means:
"I have nothing to hold on to.
I have no on to care about.
I am lonely.
I am hiding it, but I need rescuing.
I appear like I seek loneliness
But I am fooling each and everyone of you.
I am only seeking company."
I open my eyes but all I see is
Blinding lack of bright color I
Try to open my eyes but all I see is the darkness of the world I
Want to see the blue blue sky I
Want to see the pink of love
The red of passion
The green of jealousy
The smile of friendship
The selfless act of kindness I
Want to see the beauty around my dark soul
The cure to cancer and all the diseases that plague the dying world I
Want to see the reason why their eyes light up their faces when mine
Rain all over my cheeks I
Want to believe in the stories told in books
Where the last seven words go
"And they all lived happily ever after"
I want to see
The simple eye contact of attraction I
Want to see the reason why people grin at the world
Want to see the colors of the rainbows but
I'm blind to all the good things in life
I'm blind to all that matters in life I
Am blind to love
Blind to hate
Blind to all the feelings because I am
Blind to the sun, blind to the night as they
Blend together in a grey canvas of hope and despair,
Of black and white
Of presence and absence
Of the reasons why the world is round
And why we have no such thing as peace I
Am blind to the kindness and the hatred I
Am blind to the great big world
As I live in my own universe I
Am a simple galaxy
Waiting for a black hole to finally absorb me in I
Am a grey canvas
And I wait.
In another life I was a wolf
Running around in
Hostile places
Ready to take down whoever or whatever stood in the way of my survival
Living by myself
Hunting by myself
Counting on my skills to survive
Because I am fierce
I am strong
I am a wolf
I am not gentle nor am I happy
I only have one goal
And I work toward it everyday of my life
Not resting for one second because they count on me
To be strong
To come back home at dawn
To be invincible
I am a wolf
And I have this hunting instinct but also this possessive instinct
I need them to strive and it will only happen if I take care of them
I offer them what they need to become strong
To become fierce
To become like their mother
They don't know the fear I experience, or the constant guard up
They know what I choose to show them and they are gullible
They are small
They are fragile
And I need to put up a strong front because they will never grow up
They will never live
If I don't take care of them.
I am a wolf
And I feed my dreams everyday
I hunt opportunites down, I put up a strong front
I reassure them everything will be fine
Because they need to hear it
Because no matter how dangerous life is for dreams
They have a strong wolf to hold on to
Maybe… even… they might end up turning into reality
Because dreams have only one wish
For the wolf to turn into a human
For the human to make them come true.
I am a ship
Steadily moving forward into an ocean of unknow promises
My strong heart pumping the heavy water
To propel me in the horizon
Tracing my path like an explorer

I am a sailor
A heart at sea
Lost into the depth of the abyss
I am not precious nor am I fragile I
Am neither one or the other I
Am undestructible

I am not the Titanic
I am the iceberg
And I make them all sink
Down down my cold body
Made of ice and crushing weight
I show them who owns the place

I am the ocean
I am heavier than the rest of the world
I am blue and green
Calm and stormy
When they try to tame me I push them down
Into my body I swallow them
For being too sure of their strengths they will disappear
Into my depthless heart
Long lost to that which will hold my eternal love
Land and water,
Caressing each other every second yet
Yet confined in our own beds of sand and ground
Forever held hostage of that which we give life to
Forever embracing the slight touch of a wave
The glowing sun warming my blood to heat up her skin of sand
Calling to the inhabitants of my ever moving body
To tickle the side of her sandy hand
With my love I bath her edges
With my rage I explode into a million droplets
Cursing the earth for this fate
Doomed to live forever together
Forver apart.
I am a fœtus
Swimming in darkness
Oblivious to the world around me
I am a new born
Opening my eyes for the first time
Taking my first breathe
Crying the first of many tears
Confused by my sight and the light around me
I am a toddler
Crawling my way across a universe made of shapes sounds colors
Overdose of senses
Too many things happening simultaneously I
Just stare around and try to make sense of this madness
I am a child
Taking my first step into childhood by standing upright
And walking around the world on my own two feet
It's the first of many steps
I will move forward to take over the world
With my eyes ears hands nose mouth
Overdose of senses
I am a teenager
Feeling my heart break for the first time
A broken friendship
A broken love
Deception in human kind
For the first time I wonder why
Why are we here?
If we suffer so much and so intensly
My heart breaks and I cry and I shake and I have no idea what is happening
Overdose of senses
I am a young adult
Wondering about the future for the very first time

         Where I fit in
Will I fit in
How do I fit in
What will I do for the rest of my life?
Overdose of questions
I am an adult
Worrying about taxes and marriage and kids
I have settled down I have a career and I look back
On the days all the things that mattered were grades and friends
I am happy but is this the life I dreamed of?
Or did I settle for less than I wanted?
What would happen if I left it all now?
Overdose of questions
I am an old grandma
Relaxing eveyr morning with a cup of coffee
Next to the man who shared my life for so long
I look back on life and realize I am happy
I have made choices that lead me here and now I
Am happy
Overdose of emotions
I am a senile grandma
No one claims me anymore
I am in a care home where most people don't care
I am one of many and
I look back on my life everynight when the demons come and visit me
So I yell out in hopelessness and they sedate me
I am faced with loneliness and there are so many things I wish I had done
Overdose of emotions
Heart attack
No heartbeat
I am dead.
She wanted to cry into someone's arms.
She felt like screaming.
But no one would hold her.
No one would hear her.
No one would scare her demons away.
Because no one cared.
At first she'd thought it was their fault.
All of them.
But maybe she had to stop blaming others for mistakes she had made.
She was the one pushing people away.
Maybe it was a test.
To see if people would follow her, be faithful, loyal to her.
It was a selfish act, but maybe she didn't care.
Too many people had been ripped out from her, and she never wanted to feel this way again.
Torn apart, broken, lonely.
She wanted to be sure her friends couldn't be ripped out, or wouldn't run away from her.
But it failed.
Every. Single time.
And alone she felt.
And alone she was.
All alone.
People were all selfish, weren't they?
So it made sense that they'd let her go.
They were selfish, too.
But now she had had enough.
She could not take anymore.
She was tired.
Tired of being alone.
Tired of being left out.
Tired of pushing people away.
Tired of being angry.
She needed real love.
She used to be called sunshine.
But she felt like a shadow.
She had walked in the light and now she experienced darkness.
It was dreadful.
She wanted to run and catch up with the ghost of sun she once was.
But she was tired.
She didn't feel her body anymore.
She was just an idea.
An idea of love, an idea of what her life should have been like.
An idea, a heavy weight.
She dragged herself around, knowing she needed someone to figure out what kind of distress she was in.
Knowing she needed someone strong enough to lift the weight off of her.
She waited.
And waited.
And it dawned on her.
Humans needed each other.
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