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Paige May 2015
the poem starts righ now my poem has already started
I’ve had this rash for about 3 months now
and no matter how much cream i apply it never seems to go away
it seems to be right on my chest itch after itch
I’m attempting to scratch it away **** i made myself bleed

I wait for it to stop and when i think I’m done scratching it comes back
scrapping scuffing anything to get him away HIM
this boy that is my rash that i can’t seem to push away
wrapping himself around me with blankets of words that twist up my spine and spiral down my back
Him who i refer to as satan has wrapped me around his long soft cigarette smelling hand holding fist clenching tear wiping fingers HIM
who won’t go away after hours of rubbing
who is not like my other rashes because unlike my other rashes this one is on my chest and the heart is located on the chest and the other rashes were located in my head because i wanted them to be something they were not
him who i don’t want to be a rash anymore
him who i wanted to be a birthmark and never leave me
him who is with someone else
but the rash is scaring and no matter how much coco butter i apply its here
forever this rash will be apart of me even when i don’t have the appetite to feed into its hunger by scratching or ripping or tearing him
who i would give my worst days for him to have his best
him who i wish i could tell how i feel
but ill keep scratching itch after itch after itch
my rash
Paige Oct 2014
We're just in love with the idea of being In love
Paige Sep 2014
People ******* people. You can't walk out of someone's life and then unwillingly come back. Ignoring their feelings is wrong and ignorant. gloating how many "bodies" you have is highly unattractive, and extremley degrating.No girl wants a 16 year old boy whose slept with 6 girls.I'm just so annoyed with the overall value and attitude of guys.  At the end of the day all I ask is that people give people a reason to trust. It's such a ******* world and many are just looking for a way out
Paige Sep 2014
Please dont get mad if I dont open up to you. You have to understand that its a ******* world out there and im trying to learn how to trust.

Please dont be troubled when i dont trust you. Im not trying o mislead you or scare you off just making sure your intentions are superior to others.

Please dont get frightened when I tell you the things Ive done. This world gives me goosebumps when im alone after hours and right before dawn.

Please dont be disappointed when you see who I have become. Ive been spun out with demons for far too long.

Please dont be surprised when you realize ive given up. IT was hard to chase my dreams when everyone told me to walk and not run.

And please dont be the one to walk away when you become concious of what ive become. I know its hard to imagine all the things that i've done.

But instead..
please be the one to open your heart for a hug. Im tired and drained and just need some love.

please be the one to stop the rain and show the sun. Im tired of fighting a war ive never begun.

and please be the one that tells me its all worth it when its done. I need someone to say thank you to when i make it into the sun.

But you'll always be the one who i remember the most. If it wasnt for you i wouldnt have any hope.
Paige Aug 2014
It feels like I'm sitting in a steam room
Maybe because Lately my mind is being consumed
I feel as if I'm on a boat just waiting to dock
Or I'm the hands on the clock I never stop
Maybe if I slowed down and put the gears in place
I would maybe just maybe realize this will be okay

I'm casually realizing this actually something that is happening to me I'm not being given amnesty this is currently real and it's happening to me this is reality

But again I need to slow down this isn't a bad dream. This poem isn't ending and neither am I that's it for now I'll see you next time.
Paige Jun 2014
if i took a spider egg and put it in a cage all alone, would the spider react all on its own?
would the spider know how to get food by himself, or would the spider need help, just like you or myself?
could the spider make his own web? or would he need a teacher?
would the spider be nice? or just become evil?
could a spider live on its own? without having a home?
im guessing the spider isnt that different from you?
but then again the spider didn’t work all on its own
i put it in a cage for him to be all alone
he needed the help like you and myself
he couldn’t make his own web, no one taught him he was alone by himself
a spider is just like you and i
he needs a little help to get by
people overestimate things we can do all alone
we are just like spiders we need a real home
look at your friends with open minds
and accept them with flaws on there sides
some spiders are like humans they dont always have a home
but with help from each other they dont have to be all alone.
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