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 May 2019 Tori Barnes
 May 2019 Tori Barnes
I have to stop stealing pieces of others to make myself whole
 May 2019 Tori Barnes
air dry for the poor
or energy efficient
shrinkage obsessed
or long life wear weary weirdos

Wandered Around The City
got 15 new stains
a little bit of sweat
and one more hole
Now You Need A Washer
Now You Need A Dryer
but all you got is
a toilet, some dish soap, a hair dryer
Life clings on
In deserts, ice sheets and hot acid pools.
Those selfish genes persist:
Batons in a Marathon relay race.
Generation follows generation.
Clone adds to clone.

So life spreads:
The mightiest empire,
Covering all the globe.
A world full of living wonders.
All manner of plants, insects and animals.
Oceans teeming with fish.
From tropical paradise
To awesome glaciers.

We must be mindful
Of this glorious beauty.
Mother Nature reigns supreme.
Sing and rejoice,
Party hard
And put aside
The awful truth -
That in the end
Everyone dies.

Paul Butters

© PB 26\7\2018.
A thought I cannot escape.
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