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Torin Dec 2015
Crashing in like waves
Sweetest things that she says
As in the market
Fortunes are being made

You can breath the salty air
The cruelest things she says
As down at the harbor
Sailors say goodbye to their wives

This is the city by the sea
Where we can stand on the shore
And look out to see the ocean
We see forever

Ships leaving the bay
She turns her back on me
And heads out once again
For foreign harbors

And in this city by the sea
She left me lonesome
But the bars are always open
And I still have my ***

This is the city by the sea
Where I stand on the shore
And know that I'm alone
Alone forever
Torin Sep 2016
When we crash
      Its the ground
We blame the weeds
      And the seeds
              Say its tossed in the wind
                       We say it all
                      Before we fall
Now it's collisions
Of moons
And the way gravity
Has its hold on everything
We say the crater
Is the only impact
When we crash
         It's the end
We blame the sky
         And the light
                 Say it's lost to the night
                        We say it all
                   Like it was always
Still we make our wish
On the only star
That is at fault
And no sun came too soon
This next weak
Will be the hardest of our lives
Torin Jun 2016
I want to be clean
Ten thousand men in your hair
I want my skin
I want the lights to shine
But I know this way of the boar
Ten thousand years in your shadow
I won't walk alone in these forests
Without the beast that follows me
Territories and pine needles
To stab my breaking heart
Your hollow-cheeked love
My creature fear
Torin Feb 2016
They **** you off
And then make clones
Identical blood
With different bones
And maybe someday
Our earthly home
Will be the same as us

Find a new home in the stars
Forget where we come from
Scientist to terraform
And Noah's godly spaceship
Torin Nov 2015
Nobody wants to know you
Like I do
Torin Mar 2016
I saw a smile in the sky
As a million years memory
Float on a stream
Through a plane
A heart shaped box
Was singing songs
Am I the only one
Am I the only one

In darkness finding light
What it's liked
To be loved
I wish for
What I wish for

What is come is passing by
Forever caught in a loop
Float on a dream
Through waking pain
A psychic Pisces
Singing songs
Am I the only one
Am I the only one

In darkness finding light
What it's liked
To be loved
I live for
What I live for
Torin Feb 2016
It's cold where you are
I know it
I breath fire and live in smoke
And seething passion of ancient hope
One million soldiers to fight a war
Two thousand years my history

Its cold where you are
Admit it
And I gave up all my strength
Under pretense I had made
Trying only just to save
An ice cube in the ocean

Its cold where you are
I'm sorry
That if there's someone to blame
You need only say my name
And all these haunting hurtful thoughts
And all these times when I was wrong

And all these times I wasn't strong enough
Torin Feb 2017
Cold is not
I find
The reason why
Its only poison
Always poison
Cold outside
Poison inside
And what would take my life?
Torin Feb 2016
Its cold outside
I'm cold inside
Its something life
Does to you
Torin Jul 2016
Now I hear so many voices
I don't know how a color brings me love
I hear yes and no and know as doubt
What is there trust?

Blue be my confusion
Purple close to truth

How I hear a chorus of a song
Her voice, your voice, melodies
And all the love I dream of
The blackness that I fear

Red becomes the fire
White as shining light
Torin Apr 2016
I wasn't meant to be understood
And you understand
I'm a light
With my darkness
A wave
Becoming particles
A choice made
That changes history

I wasn't meant to be anything
You make me something
I'm adrift
With empty feeling
Becoming full
A dream
Within a nightmare
A gilded fate

And all I know
Is what you've said to me
I'm a beautiful heart
And you think you're what my soul needs
You've always known
Even in undreamt past lives
That you were right
I need nothing but I need you............

Its all my hope you need me too
Torin Nov 2015
Loves they come and go
Friends they come and go
Family, sad to say, may come go
But you will always be there for yourself

So be strong
And stay true
Torin Jan 2016
Does it make you feel right
To be so wrong
I don't want to hurt anyone

But I'm afraid that I will
Because the truth
Can hurt more than anything

Comes and goes
Gone away
Comes and goes
Comes to stay

Does it make you feel right
To change and be
Something you know that you aren't

Are you listening to voice
I'm afraid that you are
A voice that isn't mine

Comes and goes
Gone away
Comes and goes
Come and stay

I'm speaking to you
I hope that you hear
Please only your voice
All I want to hear

Comes and goes
Gone away
Comes and goes
Comes to stay

Does it make you feel right
If it does
You cant be by my side

Does it make it all right
I see you smile
And its emptiness to me

If that's alright to you
Its alright to me
Its all it can ever be

I still love you
Want you to know
Even if what's best
Is I should go

Comes and goes
Goes away
Comes and goes
Come to me

That's really all I need
I've never needed before
That's all I really need
And I can't need more
I wish i could sing it to you
Torin Jun 2016
I watched you come
Come to me
Knowing you would leave
Still I loved you
I love you still
I watched you come
Come to me
Saturated bed sheets
And my hands
Like you never felt before
I saw truth in yours eyes when you spoke my name
I felt truth
I knew the end
I watched you come
Come to me
Great ocean spread wide
You know you touched me
I feel it now
Torin Jul 2018
death     began  
red   eyes   night    
demons   stalk    thought
telling      three   years    
constant   scars
cheeks         hated          
waste      skin      
door        locked

will   half   broken  
mind   empty
head  keep   secrets
heart stopped   day  
smile   girl
life   fire   love
comfort   walls
memories  soul  beauty
im sure nobody will understand, so just enjoy it for what it is
Torin Jan 2016
The thing about common sense
Is its not so common
Torin Dec 2015
To me
Its funny that competition exist
Within the human race
Its not a race
Its not a game
Its we all win
Or we all lose

Maybe competition has its value
In lower thinking species
Competition for food
And territory
And reproductive rights
Hunting territory

But we as humans
Can be as gods
And music doesn't thrive on competition
And neither does our future
We can be so much more
If we can work together
Torin Feb 2016
Simply said
I'm sorry I'm so complicated
Too complicated
Too much for you

And maybe you couldn't understand my love
But I did love you

At least I tried to
Torin Dec 2015
Don't confine yourself
Or you'll find yourself
Looking for answers
Where there are none
Torin Nov 2016
I speak with a heart
I speak with a heart
I breathe with a heart

Its beating my heart
Its beating my heart

I see in my dreams
I feel in my dreams
I'm real in my dreams

Its beating my heart
Its beating my heart

All that's strange will go away
Our blood a different color
And even with my eyes
You can't see
In our difference
Will go away

I speak of the truth
And without the words
There is love

Its beating my heart
Torin Mar 2016
These stars in my heart
This magical space debris
Has always been a part of me
From the beginning
These scars on my skin
Merely constellations
That hold a deeper meaning
If you examine them closely

And I know who you are
We share the same scars

This light in my eyes
Shines like a jewell
Like stars in the night
Until I see connections
These scars on my skin
Become a story told
These meanings
Only stars can hold

And I know who you are
Torin Dec 2015
Its not the way am
Cannot be a bitter man
Its not the way I go
Having not a thing to show

And life confuses me
I wanted to feel this way
And love confess to me
I wanted to fill the stage

Its not the way I had to be
Its tearing up inside of me
Its not the way I should have been
And now I lose my only friend

And life is cruel to me
I wanted to be at peace
But love will lie to me
So much that I don't see

Somethings controlling me
That's what it is to me
Something's controlling me
Control the things that I believe
Torin Nov 2015
And now he stands here before you
Crucified by you, but once again alive
By the love of god alive

He is the stone that the builders refused
And he's become the head corner stone

The almighty laid a stone in Zion
A precious stone, for a sure foundation
And those who rely on it shall not know fear

Because the stone that the builders refused
Becomes the head cornerstone
The lord he has done this
And it is marvelous in our eyes
Bob Marley teaches us, a retelling of a story from the bible.
Torin Nov 2015
We are all children of circumstance
All of us
Every one

So if your born a senators son
And you lose your silver spoon
I believe you hurt as much

As if your born in the city slums
And you never make it out
There is no monopoly on the pain someone can feel

Only the world we know
Compared to the one we knew
Just a reflection hastily written and shoddily concieved.  My take on a recent discussion with my father
Torin Feb 2016
A little bit of luck
Is all I need
A little bit of luck

And a lot of greed
Torin Feb 2016
We are stars
That slowly drift apart
Letting our love be consumed by the dark
Torin Feb 2016
It's something so wrong
Its something so real
There are no words
To explain the pain that I feel
Torin May 2016
I want to know how your skin glows in the dark
How your touch is the warmth of a rising sun in spring
Your breath on my chest takes my heart to the clouds
Your stomache
Your breast
Mountains I get lost in
I long to know how your saying my name
In the highest reaches of passion
Is the music I was born with in my soul
Your shoulders
Your thighs
The promised land I walk through despair to reach

I wish to see the stars shine in your hair
To know how your eyes drown me in oceans
And shine a billion suns I look into as we feel creation
Your body
Your soul
Your love
Your eternal truth
The reason I have finally found to be

I want to be a god with you
And feel creation
Torin Dec 2015
If you want proof of the fact
That within is a god
All I need to say is
We create
Torin Apr 2016
How can I ever explain my self?
I was always searching for souls
I don't want you  to look in my eyes
Unless your ready to fall in

I fall asleep with a brush
Hoping to paint my dreams
When it's my nightmare
That will be my masterpiece

Acrylic idealist
Oil and water
Pastel mystery
Empty canvas

How can I ever explain myself?
I was always wanting to feel
I don't want you to look into my eyes
Unless I'm looking into you

I was born on destruction
And raised in rage
And saved
When I feel creation with you

Hopeless romantic
Fire and ice
Beautiful monster
Lost soul
Torin Mar 2016
Creo que
Lo es algo que conozco
Es una ajena

El espacio desnudo
Entre las puntas de luz
Se necesitan
Se mantienen
Las planetas
Adonde podemos ajuntar

Creo que
Se caiga perfectamente
Aunque no mas tengo miedo
De las sombras
Sombras solo existan
Si hay luz
Torin May 2016
The barefoot southerner walks the land
He revels in charming Appalachia
A smile of his home

How to make our way out west?

The skies are eternal loving arms
Wrapped around the mountains
A feeling of home

How to make our way out west?

The sunset of the Cumberland ridge
The sky becomes blood in your veins
A heartbeat of home

How to make our way out west
Torin Mar 2016
I'm sitting on a break with my hands and my feet in space and time, but my thoughts in another dimension

I only remember the taste of a cupcake being a little bit salty but still so sweet that I don't think about the cavities I'll incur while enjoying what I conclude to be the best thing in my life

And hands in time, and feet in space, I used to watch you putting on your watch but never checking it because you always knew what the moment was

My cupcake is gone, and it has been for a little while, but at least I still rememeber the taste, and I have pain in my teeth as a reminder to a memory I'll never forget

I'm sitting on a break, and im breaking

I only want you to come back to me
When a love goes bad, I only miss my cupcake
Torin Apr 2016
The smell that you love
Of freshly cut grass
Is only green leaf volatiles
From when the plant has been hurt

Its only trying to save itself
It only suffered a pain unspoken
That we as man

How can I really live?
When the scent of a just-mowed lawn
Is only tragedy
That brings me pleasure

Its only trying to heal itself
From injury which man inflicted
That I can't help
But love
Maybe my message is more profound with this than can readily be expressed
Torin May 2016
I see you in the stars
Somehow you have been changed
From how the mortal eyes have seen you
Your mouth which used to speak
Of hatred and hope oblique
Becomes a beak without your teeth

Rage was born
But it will die
When its thrown into the fire

A brittle constellation
An ancient observation
You invite your guest to **** them
The poison of your being
These wounds caused by your sword
Let Heracles avenge them

All night
I look at you
Such beauty born from hatred

The knives in your hands
Cannot be be held by wings
Your arms that change until you drop them
The blasphemous skin
And fingers meant for ripping
These are the feathers that replace them

The sound of blood
And ugliness
Becomes beautiful music
Cygnus the swan. Greek mytholgy. You as a reader, I doubt you'll understand.
Torin Jun 2016
Where the hills don't roll
They sink low
And fall into the ground
The sky swallowing what is left

We can be backwards

The hub is the heart
The roads are the veins
Highway arteries
And the river is polluted

Fort Worth stockyards
Cattle drives and mavericks
Rangers in the field
And stars on ice

A place out west where the cowboys lose

A place I saw my blood first hit the ground
My childhood home

I havent been there in such a long time
Its no longer real to me
Torin Dec 2015
Like a bird with a damaged wing
I know winter is coming
But I still try to fly away
Torin Apr 2016
Light hurts my eyes
What a metaphorical statement
But I find it hard to focus
Looking at the brightness
Of my telephone
Trying to type something meaningful

I can't fall asleep
I've worked forty-five hours
In the last three days
And with all my pain
I've decided that sleep couldn't heal me
But the ***** can destroy me

So I'm talking out of my ***
Writing whatever thought comes to mind
A drunken fool
Who just got off of work

A drunken fool
With love in my heart
But pain in my soul
And I'm reaching out
To whoever is there to
And reaching back

Could it be you?
If your the lucky one
If I'm lucky
There would be someone

I enjoy darkness
I need light
Torin Apr 2016
We have music in our souls
I have a torch I carry
A guiding light
So that I may find you
We have pain from lives before
And a belief
That when our heart stops
So do we

I had that dream last night
The same one as always
That I could fly to where you are
And hold you in my arms
While you smile in my eyes
And I live in yours
The clouds start to break
As warm rain
And we start to dance
Our naked bodies
Only pleasure

We have music in our ears
Words only
In a melody
That means everything
I have a light I have to keep
To shine the way
And even clouds of grey
Make us lose our love of black

I had that dream last night
The one I told you about
Where we were dancing naked
In the rain
We danced the pain away
And retired to a peaceful place
Where the light was all we saw
And I slept with you
In a bed of feathers
Our bodies entwined
Becoming one
That our heartbeats become
Torin Jul 2016
This Darkness thinks it's light
Believes it needs to spread
As some benevolent force
Some way to guide mankind
Darkness so convinced
It's a disciple of love
So selfish with its wants
And its desires

This Darkness thinks it's light
Believes that it is right
And kills love
In the name of hope
Darkness so convinced
That saying it is love
Makes it be love
When it never was

And now the lady with the heart
And with the eyes
Sees only darkness falling
And pools of blood

Speaks to us no more
She's lost without a light
Torin Dec 2015
When I reach into the void
I fall in

I know that I am a moon
I have a dark side
No one else will ever see
Torin Dec 2016
Imagination change
It can never be as strange as this
Lockdown in the attic
The basement
Even the echoes of the shadows
Show face

I've given up on you
I've forgotten how to italicize
I hope I got it right
I hope

I hope

(By the way, not a part of the poem,
Unless it is,
You decide,
You make bad decisions)

Now these ghost
Are living
Creature of doubt
In my living room
Show teeth

And never be satisfied

This backlit screen
Becomes host to my worst fear
I've given up on you
When you, gave up on me

There are deeper darks in the night
Most never see
Torin Feb 2016
Even the darkest of nights
Ends with dawn
Torin Dec 2015
In the darkest part of night
Don't forget about dawn
Torin Nov 2015
Does the sun apologize to the moon?
Now we must have light
Not just a reflection
I know you pull the tides
But I make gardens grow

And the flowers become art
For my favorite poems

Does the moon capitulate to the the sun?
*I know you have your part
And it is bigger than mine
But in darkness I am light
I still reach the dreamers

Who feel the hope when I am new
And the peace when I am full
Sorry, a little drunk, may not make sense.
Torin Apr 2016
Deep water
Let me swim
Night sky
Let me fly
Let me bloom
Into you

I love the lake
The haunting song of the loon
I love the moon
If its new or a fool
I love the rose
And the way the thorns cut me
I love

Deep water
Let me drink
Night sky
Be my star
Let me grow
Into you

I love the ocean
The waves on the shore
The riptides
The sharks
The sunken ships
The lost sailors
I love the ocean
I love

Deep water
Let me drown
Into you
Torin Apr 2016
What if the devil was walking
Through the garden of Eden?
And that pure and innocent blood
Was invaded by poison?
What if the the most beautiful sight
Any man ever beheld
Had to be bought
From the hands of evil?

What would the flower think?
He who slowly unfurls
The most colorful petals
The most wondrous aroma
What would the flower think
If he knew that all his beauty
Would be the thing
That caused the devil to pluck him?

And now the devil is walking though the garden
And evil surrounds that halo
Somewhere angels are crying for you
And this mad world feels a little bit colder

I've cried because of you
And your fluorescence ready to bloom
I've cried because I've seen
Clouds of rain over fields of glory
Torin Jan 2016
Life is a desert of loneliness
We have no choice but to walk through
Still sometimes we find a well
Where we can fill our flask
So that we may not be thirsty for a while
And we continue on
Through the bad lands

But sometimes we find an oasis
So we settle down
And build a home
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