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  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
i don't write
to please anyone
i don't write
for attention
i don't write
for compliments
i don't write
to make anyone fall in love with me

i write
because i feel
i write
because i need to
i write
because my mind is too loud
i write
because my mouth is too quiet
Tony Scallo Oct 2014
Well, hello!
Nice to meet you,
I welcome you to come see

The Land of the Words,
That's within you and me

Tell me, what is it?
What words do you seek?
Are you trying to vaguely describe all the bleak?

Well, come in!
We’ve got it,
A library of words
To use at the times where yours just never work

We’ve got, you name it
Every word that there is
Obscure, slick and slimy
Eternal and bliss

Or maybe enlightened
Audacity, please?
Do they properly describe your
Brown dungaree jeans?

No worries, don’t fret
Don't think I'm done yet
Sit back and hold on,
Those words, you'll regret

Bungalow, bushy, cabal and unclean
Tremendously, vacant
And blindly obscene

Tattered and broken
Lies and Unspoken
Do they speak to you mind,
Like they are a foretoken?

Cataclysms with dark exorcisms
Punk, goth and metal
And hooliganism?

Tell me, what is it
The library goes on
I’ll talk your ears off
From dusk until dawn

Patiently, potent
Absurdly, outspoken
Is that how you’ll describe,
A bright golden token?

Charismatic, kick, addicts
Your thoughts are a savage
Discombobulate, ravage
The words can be baggage

Keep looking, it’s there,
Every word, and I swear
They exist to make circles
Out of regular squares
Tony Scallo Oct 2014
I’m lost in a land of words
They float around in the void of my mind
My brain matter harbors them
And I constantly search to find

The ones that’ll complete the puzzle,
To translate my thoughts,
Speaking emotions without struggle

But I’m entangled in the strings of their syllables

This word can’t go here
This word doesn’t match there

Go beyond the word my mind consciously stems,
Looking to the subconscious
A vaulted up library,
That is packed full of them

At times, the words are locked away
From my conscious thoughts, for no reason
And I feel like it’s treason

I always seem to hold the answer, underneath it all eventually

And like the puzzle,
The lock to my vault isn’t solved so easily
It takes a key *******, to sit back
And attack like a hacker

To complete the word formula
And fill in the blanks
Putting thoughts onto paper,
Before the impulse has sank

Eureka, I’ve found it!
The word was in my head
Like it existed forever,
Never able to be dead

I know I can do it
I can learn how to speak,
The language from within,
*So my soul can be leaked
Don't ever give up on trying to express your thoughts, it doesn't come easy at times. Be patient.
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