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Timothy Ward Oct 2016
a scribe without a story
a ship without a sea
a love without a lover
an "us" without a "me"
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
i now love
the way you loved
when i loved
so stop asking
if i love
in the same way
you love
it's not exactly
the same
He had his chance/s and he blew it. When I wanted him he had eyes for others and when I gave up on him he came scurrying- a day late and a dollar short. I've moved on but he still annoyingly persists. Some people don't understand Integrity or boundaries.
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
shallow people
seemingly unaware
reviled most
by themselves
deceitful reflectors
loathsome lonesome
in their own
devouring affection
utterly incapable
of reciprocity
Every now and then I bump into this type who charm the pants off me - well not quite! - and I have to ask myself to slow the f down Timmy! These are the "shape shifters" who seem to have an uncanny ability to find my tender spots and tap them to their own advantage- if only for the sake of stoking their ego or whatever bizarre agenda they might have. I don't try to figure them out - but time exposes them if they are genuine or not.
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
anger unabated
as sinful "humanity"
karmic seeds
of self destruction
the future
in the present
Man - a glorified chimp on steroids after 200,000 years of evolution is none the wiser than his simian cousin on the plains of Africa. Yes we can build rockets with the 1% genetic delta but we can also blow up all life on earth.
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
why couldn't
you see
what i saw
in you...
the eyes of
or perhaps
i was choosing
to see what
i wanted
- nay -
and you were
but a reflection
casting a
Sometimes we dive into relationships more out of needs and wants. This was the case of my last tryst. He and I both came wanting something rather than wanting to share something of ourselves- big diff! Turns out we both fell flat on our cute *****! :D
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
No one seems to care
Ambulance for our neighbor
We are ill - at ease
I live in an apartment complex close to campus. An ambulance had arrived but beyond the curious gawkers no one gave a **** about the person or his next of kin. Have we really become such disconnected shells obsessed with "selfie" image? Social Media is NOT community!
Timothy Ward Oct 2016
Choose your memories
Bestill your thoughts
Quiet your mind
From thoughtless thoughts
Been reading up on a great 20th century Indo American philosopher J Krishnamurthy from just down the road in Ojai California. Brilliant mind and simple man who was touching on neuro-biology and habit pattern formation as a theoretical construct in the 50's-70's before fMRI's could decipher this stuff! Check him out on YouTube - to my friends from India ... you have a hidden treasure!
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