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 Sep 2017 TM
 Sep 2017 TM
I'll cry all night if I have to.
I can't shake the feeling that I'm imperfect
And for some reason,
That still matters
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 Sep 2017 TM
God, put me back into time
I just wanted to be part of the atmosphere
I forgot what bleeding felt like
I have never been this human
I have never hit quite this hard, despite the ground being miles below me
I'm hanging on to nothing
I'm bleeding water through the palms of my hands
Trying to find something to drown in
God, put me back into time
I've said something with an echo that's still ringing
And it hurts, as if mistakes were nails in my coffin sixty years too soon
God, I don't believe but I was praying on the gym floor the other day
It was the only free second I had, the only thought which had any traction
And I just needed something to grip
I got lost in shouting girls and locker rooms and the same path days in and out
I prayed that I could disintegrate
That I had finally worked hard enough, that if I kept running in the same circles, I would eventually evaporate
Vapour rises until it melts into the atmosphere and coagulates into rain
I forgot what bleeding felt like
Always looking both ways before crossing the same street at the same intersection
Always saying I love you before I leave the house
Broken, like a record, like an old glass window and a misplaced baseball, like a teddy bear who learned what too much love is
Put me back into time
Took some lines from poems I've written that weren't terribly popular, but which resonated with me personally.

Please comment.
 Aug 2017 TM
i killed the things i miss the most
my passions
my children
my mind

i opened a box i regret the most
my troubles
my divorce
my addiction

i haven’t remembered the last time i worried
the tears in my children’s eyes
the fire spreading upon their clothing

i haven’t remembered the last time i cried
my husband running away
my house in foreclosure

i haven’t remembered the last time i kneeled
to the one who stands above me
to the one seeking my soul
We only danced like floating shadows
in mesmerizing daydreams
                       wistfully yearning
                       to drift as light as shapeless air

Warm brush of skin seemed so tangible
across the  distant horizon
                       touching souls
                       only in the throes of musing dreams

Sailing blindly down unmapped winding river shorelines
                       tiptoes touch
                       at shallow waters’ edge

                   "Close your eyes" ...  swim afar
                       where feral currents beckon
                       waft away adrift
                       in a moonstruck daydream trance

Only in sumptuously
                       lucid night dreams
                       we swim stark-naked
                       in a sea of sublimity

Plunging into an alluring metaphysical abysm
                       into the secret titanic depths
                       azure oceans bathe

Plummeting from the edge a Utopian threshold
                       swirling beneath restless
                       swollen waves crest

Unraveling  passion’s prevailing tidal maelstrom
                       the wanton estuary
                       where lovers yearn to swim

Yet … I’ll drift away alone in this restless moonlit solitude
                       fly by night through star dust
                       showered cosmos scenes

                       crash into naked stars
                       in their luminescent splendor
Imbibe a spellbinding elixir yellow moon on the rise

Only in dreams before morning dewdrops gather
                      impearled flesh glistens
                      on the cotton beach of dawn

Awakening sighs replaced by warm enraptured whispers
                      the sensual asylum
                      passion tenderly betides

Splendidly improbable entrancing reverie
                      inspiring indefinable
                      enchanting realms

Awakening to another lonesome daybreak
                      the outgoing tide,
                      drowning in the trove
                      beautiful dreams befall

            Someone you used to know
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