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Tia Jane Jul 2015
We are lost love ~
Beneath years of expectation and doubt ~
Struggling against the rubble with the hope to stand strong again  ~
Days drift into night and I am weary from collecting moments without you ~
Hold tight onto my hand ~
We will lift these rocks and allow the sun to penetrate the darkness ~
We will see each other's eyes for the first time again ~
We will let go of old habits ~
And start our path anew ~
We are lost love ~
But together we'll find our way ~

Copyright © Tia Jane Fajardo
Tia Jane Jul 2015
There's so much of us left in my blood ~
It's too thick ~
Flowing through me too slowly ~
Forcing my to heart labor ~
You could not breathe with me ~  
I could not breathe without you ~
I'm drifting through time ~
It has no meaning ~
I'm catching vapours in the wind ~
But beloved ~ it's not enough
I need your touch ~
I'm not sure who I am without it ~
Your need to be free ~
My need to be held ~
Clashing together like thunder clouds
We created a violent storm ~
And so I drift ~
Catching thoughts of you ~
Only to return ~
When you want to feel the rain again ~

Copyright © Tia Jane Fajardo
#heart #freedom #want #desire #storm #love #lust #longing
Tia Jane Jul 2015
We lie still 'neath the stars ~ watching them consume the night ~ whilst they cover their eyes, as your wanton hands claim me ~

— The End —