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10.2k · Jun 2015
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
An indescribable fragment of life
A journey of finding ones split soul
To cherish and hold
And stain eahothers lips
To bruise eachothers hips
Dance under the glittering moon
Glittering just as heaven
No space,
just bones entwined amongst one another for no gap to be our solace.
Delight filling our stomachs
soft as mellow harmony
the saltiness of the ancient seas
For the warmth of love
And the love of warmth
As I touch your inner workings
I watch your powerful soul become tender
The symphonies sing
A bond of friendship, one so tenacious as vine
Our joy
In one another
For our love to last as long as the tides  
We are forever a connection within us.
Our connection as sacred as the stars.

2.1k · Jun 2015
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
I'm aching

The air should not escape the bones that are without you should I feel comfortable with the idea of me being just as empty as this dusty old train
I'm at complete odds
I'm scrambling, my hands shaking for the coldness to dissapear, to be safe.
Unfairness yelled at me from the lights above that made one squint
Hoping each blink id see you next to me.
With the strange sounding man announcing ones home
Your name isn't one
Why oh why
I must scream it my self
As my soul shares yours
my heart pumps your blood
Thriving on only the everything of you. I'm needing you really bad.
but my next stop isn't home
It's place a place of homeless surrounded by souls taken by thing a that do not succeed into the same idea of love.
They can keep trying
But all I need is you
Just you, your humble and sweet kisses and our love tangled together falling asleep with the warmth of home.
2.1k · Jun 2015
Darling, our love we share
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
Our love will last
It's grows flowers in the driest of places
Love steals all happiness and then sheds its own radiant beauty
Our love we share is as special as the stars at night
Flickering, reminding all too look up
That hope is near
That distance should not be a fear
Our Love is always there,
When our love hits hard trying to diminish our demons, when looking down is our only option drawings of  suns are carved into the light  grey pavement
Our love is like the view of millions of city lights, as we sit upon a hill and watch
Love is the realisation that we are the lit city.
Love is that we are the hill
Love is the world
Our love we share is the reason it spins round
The green the gold the blue the brown.
We own everything and the sky is ours.
Darling we are music, our own instrument, as delightful as the harp.
Our love dries every tear
Even when we can't find shelter
There's one thing I want you to hear
Our love is alive
And forever will
I will thrive
Only on you darling
Our love is all well
But sometimes we all fall ill
I will care always
But darling one thing our love I will always tell
Our love is like nothing else
We carry our adventures our raw character and hold each others sweaty palms
Until the end of dawn.
No matter what our eerie past saw
No matter rain hail or shine your ocean eyes are my awakening

Darling Our love as one as the moon
Our love we carry
We are never without it
You go I go
Oh darling
Our love is like nothing else
To the love of my life. always
1.8k · Jun 2015
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
It was not a choice, intimacy filled our souls touching every tender bone with the sleekness of silk
From blood to bone
Screeching every bit of emptiness
Swallowing any shallow monster that tended to our loneliness
From tongue to toes
Not a desperation hollows between the beauty of embrace,
A world around slows, all disspearing to his sweet kisses stealing my breath
And addiction sets in, an instant craving when distance is your temporary belonging  
And addiction such as a cigarette
Smoke filling your lungs
Only intimacy filling you heart with bright yellow flowers, desperation fulfils its duty.
Seperation, our anxiety
With howling winds a cooling breaths that is not yours every moon and star looks like you
Intimacy, a passion
A passion in touch for your hand wrapped round mine
  The sound to be dragged so close it fuses as one beat
To be brought to the insides
Craving the sense of settled home in unfamiliar places
A hunger to never leave
Bur to fall to the deepest pockets in our wholesome loving souls
Just to come back again
1.8k · Jul 2015
Tia Henricks Jul 2015
It was wild
You know that type of wild
That doesn’t let anything tell its journey
It’s the stripes, the scars and freckles
Its all there
It was the type of wild of intimacy and the passion that rises in one’s eye
It was falling and never touching the ground
It was like pinching stars from the sky
It was touching the clouds with your soul
it was the wandering the stolen dance
And leaving your hands on the ground.
A wild that would never make you hard
It was so soft
But so freaking yellow
Burning burning burning
Oh man did I burn
As I sat near a pale, I  swore not to touch it
It was wild as wild could be
Open beautiful, emotion pouring rivers of gold
Long grass
A veal of freedom a loss of control.
It was wild
And we were lost in the adventure of the creeping green wilderness dancing through forests until our hearts had fall gently together.
scraping the mountains like eagles and diving like sea birds.
oh this life
Oh it was wild.

Heres to living as giants on Monday and ants on Sunday.
i'm not all sure on why i wrote this past tense, oh well i like it.
1.4k · Jul 2015
Blinded by judgements
Tia Henricks Jul 2015
Must we see with our eyes? No our heart is not blind nor is our soul. Look with those, and you will see true blessing in all, a flower may grow next to a ****, but both have the same value, we just use our eyes, we compare. We judge and distrust and discriminate. So no more use of the eyes express with the soul love with heart. You the world the songs the grass, the old cranky neighbours, everything including you will drift, and all will turn colourful
1.1k · Jul 2015
The hunger of love
Tia Henricks Jul 2015
Darling the love we share carries the moons with the tides
You are thousands of Erupting volcanos at once
Your love fiery
It keeps me red it keeps me alive jumping for pebbles,
Playing with my soul hungry for the love of life
To me you are every season, to me you are the sun
To me you are the moon to me you are the trees
The whisk smell before rain.
Never will I stop loving your soul
Because deep down I need nothing but your belonging
you my moon
As I am your pulling tide.
I'm right behind you
As you push me
And as I pull you
My thirst is your love
And you my darling
Are all I will ever need from above.
898 · Jun 2015
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
The breeze sweeped my face
The buzzing of.childrens muddled language
The roses smiles could even make the slightest of noise
The holding of eschothers hands vibrated the rustling of life
Conversion of the normal
The disconnection of the seasons sweepings
The grounds blanketing leaves
The ducks spoke in a friendly tone
We must need nothing else
The grandparents of old school disinclined and teachings echoed just enough for me too hear
We just need to listen
And we will learn all we need in the world
772 · Jun 2015
Small adventures
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
It was cynical euphoric, a sense of small adventure, for the falling stars to follow me home
late night trains showing light of time travel. Skimming memories. I journeyed under the purple skies. Whiskey and all
I was raw
718 · Jun 2015
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
As one as the ocean
sadness raining down
Tasting of salt
Changing forms
Creating clouds and storms
Hail and snow
A space of serenity
A freedom of the world
Sacred and beautiful
Floating souls
Stained white from mirror of the sun
We are not one but a flow of many changing, flowing with the universe in sync to the sun and moon and the stars.
We are all one
509 · Jun 2015
Every way back
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
Every way is a way back to you
How distance struggles to pull our racing hearts apart
Souls screeching Into the air
Oh dear
The echoing warmth seemingly familiar
falling asleep to your breath seemed an impossibility now.
Oh dear
The street lights show me the way
each light, a sun.
Just like your glowing smile after a innocence laugh
What's that I hear?
Your wild heart crawling its way back into mine
Oh dear
Silence is trapping me
Your voice hidden by concrete walls and talk of others
Quieting our souls
Blues swiftly mountain to the summit of no where.
A numb feeling follows me off the bus
I am only one half
Oh dear
I need you here

— The End —