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They who do little
dream much !

Where nothing is done much is talked about .
Some say the TeCh#
is not what it should be -

and they might be right

                                    but w/o

hELL0      pOEtry

weLL (I don't want to speculate)

All I want T@ saY is that
this sight and all my friendS on iT!

MEAN more
                                     to ME

Than you WIll EvER

Some abstRact browniE POINTs in the style of E.E. Cummings
Truth needs no audience
or vows of acceptance
The eagle flies highest
— when flying alone

(Dreamsleep: April, 2024)
 Apr 7 Girlrinth
The power went off
The street was dark and quiet
One single star shines.
wisdom comes slowly
a bud unfolds wet and cold
spring's sun, late but sure

4/7- NaPoWriMo "weird wisdom"
i long to scream
until the surface of my throat
is as torn as much as
my heart feels
as much as
my mind is
until i am haunted
by the thought
that i dont recall
my own voice
Carousel of clouds,
Tufts of white in a blue sky,
Merrily go round,
Up — down—up celebrating,
The carnival of morning.
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