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Caits Jun 2023
why must we chose
to pick up the shield
of weighted fear and cemented caution
caged in what if laced around comfort
to wield the open palm
where everything could land
and rest in a cozy embrace
or be brushed away
with nothing but a whisper
We must choose to give all with no regrets, feeling everything Or hole ourselves up into nothingness in fear of pain
Caits Jun 2023
it was simply
Something never before touched
hearing the pitter without echoes on your skin
but not deafening
without millions of howls
not crippling
without thousands of demands
it was simply
walks along the sand with nothing to hear
but his heartbeat
and my own
except I was doing laundry
and the waves were simply constructed

I would say ecstasy but that’s the wrong prescription
Caits May 2023
my darling, tell me
did you think your dismissal of my devotion would create the landslide of consciousness that would sweep me under?
did you honestly think, my endearing Peitho
that i would stumble?
like a drunk lost in memories of the past
drowning in the waters of murky dreams and empty promises
clawing and clammering to the foot of your obsidian base
to ask for tuppenece of your abject admiration

did you think i uttered 'too soon' under my breath when you walked through the doors in a Kermes gown to be the muse to all
beckoning the second movement of a symphony
drawing your audience in
that such suitors could claim you with mere words
before unleashing your cacophony of destruction
like you did for Cassandra

while you may have, incarnadine Peitho
the adoration of all
those that caught the taste of crimson across their tongue
when their drunken hands where so foundly engraved by your obsdian base
marred beyond admiration
knows what your persuasion
tastes like
fun facts:
- the colour crimson is named for Kermes dye (through using Kermes vermilio insects) which also is where we get vermilion.

- Peitho was the greek goddes who personified persuasion.
Caits May 2023
What is more torturous than knowing the art
seeing the velvet lust filled crimson
The midnight where she touched your hand blue
And resting without movement
Because you couldn’t pick the right medium
Artist Struggles
Caits May 2023
Would you have waited for me
As I, you?
Did your ears ***** at the sweet mention of consonants that had kinship with your name
or could you have sat
as moonlight and daylight became distant revelations
becoming heresy that no longer changed how you wrote your name on the small of my back
Did you think
I would forget the smell of bourbon on your lips
chasing away the steel in your tone
You wouldn’t have
Caits May 2023
etched across the stratigraphy of grief in those mountains of dread and valleys of sorrow
I waited for you
Building a home by the lakes of regret
Hoping they wouldn’t wash away
What I hoped to build with you
Caits May 2023
Did you want her to look like me?
Or we’re you just wanting something that was
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