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May 2019 · 2.0k
gabi May 2019
the spiky pavement under our toes
running aroind like no one knows
our whoops and shouts are getting violent
but our true feelings may always stay silent

you're thinking only of getting to bed
but i look at the stars as you run ahead
they hold secrets we'll never see
and wishes and loves we hope can be

i bring my mind down to look at you
and find my feelings all askew
for you see, my loyal, beautiful friend
im falling in love all over again
yes this is very specific shsjsjdksj
gabi Apr 2019
si no fueras tan solapada te podría ayudar
¿no puedes ver que solo te quiero amar?
haciendote una estatua para que no te vieran
¿pero para que el arte sino para que lo aprecieran?

no quiero que esto se haga una disputa
pero conmigo eres tan muta
se que las emociones se hacen un tumulto
pero no significa que lo tienes que poner oculto

no coge una brigada saber lo que te hace sentir
y no quiero hacer nada sin tu consentir
pero perdoname por ser parcial
a la idea de saber
que en tu corazon va a pasar

enseñame el meollo de tus sentimientos
dime todos tus pensamientos
prometo que no me parescarán inmundicia
hazte una casa conmigo,
soy persona hospitalicia

asi viviremos en perfecta ternura
con una vida muy dura
llenas de emociones
compartiendonos afirmaciones
yeah ik spanish i did this for my class and tbh it was super fun (and kinda easy bc spanish is my first language) anyway hope u enjoyed! :D
sí se español hice esto por mi clase y de verdad fue bastante divertido (y facil por que el español es mi primer lenguaje) pues espero que les gusto! :D
Feb 2019 · 251
best friends
gabi Feb 2019
we sit in the thoroughly burning sun
on the scratchy *** grass
legs tangled like headphones
heads pressed together
pressed together
guys i love my bestie
Feb 2019 · 605
my favorite song
gabi Feb 2019
we look into each others eyes
me, into tree stumps with rings of age and reassurance
you, into pots of ink full of passion and
and then our lips come together
performing a clumsy waltz
moving back and forth
to the music of our breathing
our chests pressed together
throwing our intermingling heartbeats into the melody
would be my favorite song
yall i want a girlfriend so bad
Feb 2019 · 281
gabi Feb 2019
i saw
the short reaches of the fabric
revealing the honey slopes of skin
and i try to fight down the blush
before anyone sees
for blood is a powerful thing
and we do not want anh shed
simply because i am a daughter
of sappho
so my face goes in my hands
and when they ask why your dance was my favorite
i say
i liked the costumes
hggg im a gay ***** and this happened in the pep rally today

— The End —