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I woke up in the morning and I said to myself
Today it’s gonna be today
So, I looked in the mirror with a sparkling smile
And I said to myself
Today it’s gonna be today
Clicked my heels as I ran out of the door
And I said to myself
Today it’s gonna be today

So, I pushed the door open
and the smile on her face said
Today it’s gonna be today
A deep breath taken
and I blurted out the words
the whole shop shouted
Today he’s gone and done it today

So, if you have something
You should have said
I think you know
Today it’s gonna be today
#just say it
The Eastern world it is exploding,
cinders blowing in the wind, glowing at the rising sun.

To the sound of silence screaming its pain at the emptiness,
that was once our pride.

I gaze beyond the raging sea,
as the darkness comes and signals the end of our time.

On the eve of our destruction,
poets still write words that no one will hear, of love, life and Armageddon

Our light fades as the pen reaches the end of the page.
The book is closed.
I was only loved a little
But I was loved
and that is all I needed
AS I lay you to

I realise how much I will miss you
How much I loved you
How much we were one

Why now are these emotions released?
Why now do I feel alone?
Why now do I realise how happy you made me

Another chance
If I could see you now I would say
I love you
I have never been so happy
I will care for you

Time has made us immune to each other
Death has infected me with love once again
Please don’t leave me
A lady knocked my door
                                    do you have a black and white cat

Her word sank deep in my soul
                                       she was wearing a rainbow hat

I do we've had him for 9 years
                                            I said trying to hide the sorrow

He's asleep on the kitchen chair
                                   someone else has sad news tomorrow  

Relief and sadness filled the room
                                             as I relayed the news to my wife

Crossing roads is a dangerous game
                                 and has claimed another poor things life
Too many tags around a baby's neck
Boy or girl
Black or white
Jewish or Hindu
Sikh the light

Gender friendly is now a word
I'm just a person to be heard
A human person born in a world, still round
Looking for love that can't be found
Look at me, talk to me, take me for what I am
Don't judge me by my surface, if you can
I say no to colour, gender, creed and race
Lets make this world a better place

You nod your heads, you can see it's right
But if we agree, who's left to fight
My mind is wide open ,but to blind to see
Can't make up my mind, my god will guide me
We were put on this earth, a universal speck
Too many tags around a baby's neck
I came down the up and up the down
ended up in the wrong side of town

I kissed a prince he turned into a toad
ended up on the wrong side of the road

I went to church to confess my sin
they slammed the door would not let me in

I found a witch, please, wave your magic wand
she said no your from the wrong side of the pond
The stories they told on that
wine fuelled night
brought laughter brought joy
of the reddened faces
of the stories told

Next day the quiet lambs
gathered for coffee
lots of coffee and hope
that the wine had done its job
to the temporal lobe

But there is always one
who keeps a diary
updated before sleep
a reminder of the truth
bursting from their freed consciousness

But the rules of the tour
are simple
what goes on tour
stays on tour
Really????? Yep!
Scraping life from off the sea bed
So curiosity’s kitchens can be feed

Dragged from the ocean left gasping on deck
Pleading for mercy as a knife meets its neck

Gutter and iced, packed ready to serve
Who has the power to stop this, who has the nerve?

Now oceans are empty no life can be found
We now set our sights on the food above ground.

Who will we eat next?
Life came back to normal for that one great day
The smiles on the faces the children at play

We all woke up to snow covered ground
Roads no tracks, roads no sound

The fields of green were covered in white
Children screamed with laughter and with fright
As they toboggan down the hill twas a wonderful site

Then the night faded and the light gave way
Back to our homes, lock-down, and another day
Watched by owls alone after dark
down that lonely country path
                                   Twit twoo
I heard a rustling in the hedge
then a shadow crossed my way
                                     Twit twoo
I saw a figure running out in the open field
I heard the branches creak then a woosh  
                                      Twit twoo
A silent shadow swooped down
then a cry of death was heard
                                       Twit twoo
I ran the rest of my way home
then locked myself in tight
Then wounder what poor creature
would not be home tonight
                                           Twit twoo
I saw this girl in a supermarket isle
I'd been interested in her for quite awhile
She'd filled her trolley with all things that I like
Except for the broccoli that can cause a spike
But she loves biscuits, crisps and sweets
Chocolate buttons and other treats
My courage built just in time
We met at the corner, by the wine
Here's my chat up line, now, where do I start
But how can I tell her at 2 meters apart
The sun has sets and the evening begins
the plants breath deeply in the cool air
As the dying light, lights them up one last time
the bees and butterflies hover for one last taste
In the still evening air you can hear the trees rustle
with the gentle breeze rushing west
The light turns into night and a new story is played out
stars twinkle finding their place in the dark sky
A bright moon rises and lights up the shadows
as they dance in the gardens catching ones eye
The garden now belong to the night folk
So, I bid it good night until morning
The robin whispered to the tortoise
who winked with a broad smile
I'll meet you at the edge of the wood
where the road sign say's 1 more mile

The robin met him at the spot
and sat upon the sign
The tortoise let out a big huff
robin said, come on your doing fine

Another half a day had passes
until they went that extra mile
Robin whispered to tortoise
who winked with a broad smile

All the animals of the woods and fields
gathered at the end of that last mile
Where a hare whispered to a hedgehog
who winked with a broad smile

Yes, tortoise and robin drooled
at the thought of first taste
Then a chief came out of the restaurant door
on a table laid the waste

After you said robin NO you first
said tortoise with great hast
robin pushed his share on to the floor
tortoise tucked into the waste
Poor hare and hedgehog sat patently
wating for a taste

Robin said it's a free for all
as they all tucked in to eat
tortoise munched contentedly
as the salad leaves fell at his feet

So, if life is getting to you and your finding it hard to smile
No matter how long it takes please go that extra mile
Happiness is
The warmth of your body as it brushes mine as you sleep
The peace I find as I face you and wonder at how much I love you

Trepidation is
When your eyes open and look at me as I wonder if you love me

Elation is
When you engulf me in your arms and hold me and whisper I love you
He will not last the night! they pondered

I stayed in bed all morning not wanting to hear the news
The messages on my phone silent

In the end they pondered, right

But not that night
Alone I sit
looking at the moon

Even the moon has dark days
That time heals
Again and again
and again

Alone I wait
for time to heal me
The freezing cold artic air warmed, slightly
and the sun never set
A crack appeared and ran and ran
slowly the ice mountains fell into the sea
We watched from our balconies
letting the magnitude washed over us
They gently floated south disappearing from sight
Until we were no more
There was a moment in my life I just smiled, just because
And the moment of my life I was happy at who I was

Then the moment in my life that we all get if we live that long
The saddest moment of my life, I lived and sang that old sad song

I remember the moment in my life the clouds broke and drifted away
Was the moment of my life I looked back and herded you say

Don’t look back upon your life with sadness and despaired
Walk the paths you have to walk if you need me, I will be there
There was a moment in my life I just smiled, just because
And the moment of my life I was happy at who I was

Then the moment in my life that we all get if we live that long
The saddest moment of my life, I lived and sang that old sad song

I remember the moment in my life the clouds broke and drifted away
Was the moment of my life I looked back and heard you say

Don’t look back upon your life with sadness and despaired
Walk the paths you have to walk if you need me, I will be there

?We held hands
as we walked
on that golden sandy beach

??Like young lovers?

?The warm breeze
?and fresh surf
?wished us well

??We smiled
?As we both stole a look?
our hands ?held tighter

??As the light faded
It matters not where
your bones lay
or your dust settles

Fond memories of
happy times and
neighbourly deeds

Judge your time and
the value of your life
Deep in the heart of the forest
Standing proud standing tall

Chopped down in their prime

Did anyone hear them fall

Did anyone hear their call

Deep in the heart of a forest
all is quiet
Mametz, Delville, Belleau.
When I grow up I want to be
a fairy on top of a Christmas tree
I'd make you laugh I'd make you smile
I'd put your present on top of the pile

When I grow up I want to fly
a tour operator in that big blue sky
I'd take you anywhere you'd like to be
as long as we're together just you and me

When I grow up I'd like my life
to be full of happiness devoid of strife
We'd sit and reminisce about good times we had
the greatest of course being a new mum and dad

When I grow up I'd like time to stand still
like walking the zigzag to the top of the hill
and when we get there we'd hold hands a last kiss
and remember the good times we will now surely miss
She held my hand
and dried my sweating brow
"I never asked her"

She comforted me when I was alone
and fed me when I was hungry
"I never asked her"

She washed me when I was unclean
and covered me in warm sheets
"I never asked her"

She blew me a kiss when she left
and said I'll see you tomorrow
"I never thanked her"
Nurses, all in a days work.
The sun shines through the window
Another bright and sunny day
The dog smiles at you lovingly
The cat shouts come this way

They lick their dishes clean and toddle of to bed
The cat looks at the dog "I think we got it right" he said
Chores done I rush to shower I'm not one to shirk
I think "I got it wrong" as I toddle off to work
I saw you throwing stones on the old wooden pier
I turned to look away I never saw you disappear

My distraction was the ripples rolling up along the sand
The bubbles in the water and a fist clenching hand

The silence that did follow Sent chills along my spine
I still don’t know your name I never cared because you weren’t mine
Today was the day he decided to end it all
peace was with him, for awhile
Then he got to look back at the grief the heart ache
the despair he left behind
And the wave of love toward his family that followed
gladdened him, he changed his mind

To late said the hand on his shoulder, your bed is made
they will have to re-make it everyday for the rest of their lives
He pleaded it was in a moment of self pity
I know said the hand I am that thing
Come and meet my following
We are many
All trapped
In death
Heard today that a friend of a friends husband decide to end it. Why?
I awoke to the silence
at first welcoming
then eerie, I was being watched
I quietly unzipped to peek outside
The dew upon the grass shone like diamonds
as the dawn rose
Thick mist blocked my vista of the woods that
I knew lay beyond the field
my eyes came to life as a shadow stood at the edge of the mist
His outline stood bold, muscles twitched as he grazed
ears alert to every sound, vast twisted antlers nodding with every chew of the cud
I moved slowly, then our eyes met

I could feel the beating of me heart, he could hear it
as his snort blew white  

The most beautiful moment of my life

I blinked and he was gone
The wind whispered to the trees
Who sent messages in fallen leaves

The bluebell rang out the alarm
And the rabbits burrowed out of harm

The birds carried the message on a wing
Then the forest fell asleep until the spring
Thank you for bringing back to life a 2019 poem.
From the headland
I see the swells bursting toward you

The sea horse mane
Flowing in the winter wind

Bursting high above you
Rolling in

The rage turns
As they brake and lap over
Your naked feet

Caressing you they
Slip back out to sea
Tall yellow and white daisy’s sway
Around my American post box

The dust moves from town to town
As the desert wind blows in

I hear the unmistakable engine sound
As he comes into view

All I crave is he carries a letter
From you
Worlds Plight
Bathed in Kryptonite
Humans Fight

For their Wright
Looking for Insight
Darkest of Night

Swarms of Satellite  
Logged on Website
Drowned in Gigabyte

Peoples take Flight
Responsibility Plight
Riots Incite

Enemies Smite
Armoured Knight
Whiter than White

Poets Sight
Stuck in Twilight
Dawning Bright
Lovers Delight

Sprinkled with star dust we’ll be Alright
We just Might
If we see the writing in the Midnight Moonlight
Could be a Rap:)
I unwrapped your thoughtful
lovingly wrapped
surprise Christmas present


They were to big for me!

Who were you thinking about?
What were you thinking about?
It wasn't me
Or may be I've just lost weight
I trace the scars on her face
with my eyes

A symbol of her violent past
shone out

Shinning brightly guarding
over us

Silhouetted in the dark until
the end of time

On the horizon hope of a
calmer day
"Well the sun is surely sinking down
But the moon is slowly rising

And this old world must still be spinning 'round
And I still love you

So close your eyes

Well it won't be long before another day
We're gonna have a good time

And no one's gonna take that time away
You can stay as long as you like

So close your eyes"

James Taylor
Song writer
Lost but found
Found in the back of a glove compartment
What a find
Whats in yours?

— The End —