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 Oct 2016 taylor
Joel Todero
jumping into a pool of yellow glowing liquid while rich, deep, full synth chords play. time has slowed down and i am in the middle of a cannonball and i can see bats flying over my head in the almost-darkness. friends surround me and are laughing in slow motion as i fly through the air. the sun has changed the whole scene to a tinted and washed dark orange and purple color. it’s like i put on a filter but it’s real life. the liquid is lukewarm, sort of like someone didn’t put a bowl of soup in the microwave long enough. there is no word in the human dictionary to describe this feeling. i’m done pretending that nothing matters all the time. i wish there was some way i could hook up my brain to a screen so you could see what i'm picturing right now. there’s no way that can happen though, so i will just continue trying to explain through words.
 Oct 2016 taylor
vanessa fonseca
you make me feel weird, like,
really positive but also super anxious and kind of depressed.
its nice.
today that emotion made me wake up while hugging a blanket
and i thought,
"i’m hugging this blanket really tight.
it’s nice”
today that emotion made me upset i was not still hugging that blanket throughout the day.
except i never got that emotion out no matter how much water i drank or how much food i didn’t eat.
you tried pulling this away from me but really i asked for it

— The End —