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 May 2014 tay
Annabel Lee
 May 2014 tay
Annabel Lee
Honesty is so freeing
but so terrifying

Like bungee jumping,
with the pure sweet adrenaline
pumping through your bones
telling you you'll be okay,
you'll be okay,

You're okay.

That's why
I'm still wavering
on the edge of the cliff
feeling the tight straps around my legs,
knowing I will be caught
when I fall
but still seeing the
thousand foot drop beneath me.
 May 2014 tay
Morgan Kowalski
 May 2014 tay
Morgan Kowalski
miles between you and I.
miles separating me from you.

the distance of which keeps me from wrapping my arms around you and keeping you safe.

the number that could never amount to the amount of lonely nights wishing I was so much closer.

— The End —