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Tark Wain May 2017
I would value you
I know you must have hard that a lot
and have grown accustomed
to it not being true

I know that trust is like a spotter
at the bottom of a ladder
and that you've been climbing Everest
and not the wall to a roof
so the comparison isn't apt
No I don't know anything you
and so my words ring hollower
than an Oak tree on a dry summers day

I would value you
not as price on a tag
but as a bird on a nest
because your presence makes being here
and when you're keen to fly away
please heed my plea that's true
I Promise I would value you
Tark Wain May 2017
Is the grass still green?
Are the skies still blue?
Will every road I used to take
Slowly lead me back to you?
Tark Wain May 2017
At a certain point
Your ex ceases to be your ex
And becomes someone you once knew
I know not whether that is good or bad
Tark Wain May 2017
I wonder if you've thought about me
and yes I know that that's how it's supposed to be
But have you thought of me?
Truly thought of me?

not my name or my personality
Have you truly thought of me?
not just how I smiled
but the way I licked my lips before I did

Have you thought of me?
truly reminisced?
the way I kissed your nose
before I lightly touched your lips

it's easy to make yourself forget the big things
the grand gestures that lend themselves to memories
but what of the intricacies?
Have you truly thought of me?

I suppose we all forget eventually
and the past becomes a distant memory
so I need you to answer me

Have you ever truly thought of me?
Tark Wain Feb 2017
Paint over every wall.
Turn every nuke into jungle gym.
Parody every dictator.
Fill every gun with flowers.

Take all the evil in the world and make art out of it.
Tark Wain Feb 2017
If all good love poems
rest on metaphors
Then I'll write with one
that you could've searched
the world three times over for
and never found before

like the last puppy
lying on its on back
in front of a convenience store
the one that was unaccounted for

that little crease on the windshield
the one your wipers could never reach
or that annoying kid with ADD
the one your teacher could never teach

time is at once infinite and definite
life is short, yet is the longest thing we'll ever do
why must we lust for forever
when we know a dinner for two at 2 would do

Prince and Princess charming aren't walking through that door
which makes me question what we believe in happily ever after for
and I won't become a cynic
and if only a writer that could never write is deemed a critic
then i'll drop my pen
and drink all the ink in it

love is a four letter bubble
what looks to be
a meandering ascent into nothingness to those outside
but is a self sustaining world to those who inhabit it

what good is an art
if one can not master it

face it
a critic's a poet and a writer
that could never quit
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