The Other Woman in My Life©
There are two women in my life now; I don’t know how it happened,
It was as though one day I awoke to notice her in my life
they are as different as night and day,
The first is mature with short brunette hair and
the second is sassy with long blonde locks
The first is not built like the second, more sturdy and rounder than
the second who is slim and slender with those shapely legs
Though I absolutely love the first
it is the second that makes my heart race
Each day the first makes sure that I eat my breakfast and fusses over me
the second seems to barely notice that I am alive
Each day the first woman tends to my every need from laundry to dinner
the second woman seems to take me for granted as though there were others like me.
The first greets and hugs me after a long hard day
the second simply walks away.
Some day when I am older than thirteen
I will have to tell Mom about that other teen
The one that takes my breath away and makes me want to stay after school
is the one that I seem to have in every vivid dream
So sorry mom for my big rush
I’m in a hurry to work on my crush.
The unknown teenager
Andreas Simic©