All I wanted was to talk:
to have another acknowledge these events
That tore my life to shreds.
When I did speak,
It was instantly flipped or ignored.
So I said enough, I'm not doing this anymore.
I will not give to those who only take
Or to hear my stories so they can create
A reality which would leave me
The center of their entertainment.
I am not a joke,
Nor is my life at any rate,
A show.
I admit I was clingy, I admit I lost connections
I thought were worthy of pursuing
Because I needed support early in the friendship.
They didn't know
I was in anguish
Or perhaps they didn't care.
Either way,
I was left standing there.
My screams were muted,
My statements unheard.
The help I needed
Was blatantly ignored
I'm now silent
To prevent these losses
Because apparently people
Don't know how to handle these problems