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K Balachandran Mar 2016
Minty fragrance of the gently
stirring morning breeze
buzzed something in my ears
I have a vague memory that
it carries deeper echoes, than one hears
but what exactly,how to decipher?

Musky scent from a wild orchid wafting
had an intimate thing
to remind me from a day distant
but still melting my heart at times.

Do I hear that sound,
flipping of a slip
while youthful shapely legs
does a spirited jig, spreading verve
making me sit up mesmerized,

The sultry breath of someone
still too real and couldn't erase
from the memory tapes, do I feel
behind my neck sowing goosebumps?
What is this, time travel, I can't believe
from here, I slip in to a time warp, irretrievable.

— The End —