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Ivan Brooks Sr Feb 2018
Some of the things I write
will be foolish or great...

Some will be controversial
yet actual.

Some will be bad
Or sad.

Some will be good
Some won't.

Some will be cool
Or make me look a fool.

Some will be liked
Or disliked.

Some will be commented on
Or shunned.

Some will be highly political
or comical.

Some will become an instant hit
or not deemed fit.

Some will divide
Or unite.

Some will make sense
or considered a nonsense.

Some will be tremendous
or ridiculous.

Some will be a waste
or without taste.

Some will be logical
or illogical.

Some will hurt people's feelings
and leave them foaming.

Some will be inspirational
or motivational.

Some writings will be right
and considered bright.

Some will be laughable
Or applaudable.

Some will be ingenious
or ridiculous.

Some will be enlightening
and some entertaining.

Some will be cooperative  
or divisive.

Some will be beautiful
or just wonderful.

Some will be plain
and clean.

Some will be positive
or negative.

Some will be kinetic
or acidic.

Some will be ******
and some factual.

Some will be constructive
or destructive.

Some will be educative
Or argumentative.

The things we write
few are somehow bitter
but they'll get better
....see you all later!

Caption forms part of the things we write.

— The End —