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storm siren Dec 2016
The rabbit hops through the snow,
Almost disappearing
As his fur is bright and white as the fog behind him.

He halts when he sees the large black bear.

The bear spots him immediately.

The bear bounds over to the rabbit,
And stands on his hind legs after they touch noses.

The rabbit ***** his head to the side,
And the bear paws at the note tied to his neck.

A man clears his throat.

The bear jumps, obviously shaken by the noise,
While the rabbit edges closer, chest puffed out and head held high.

The man laughs.

"I won't hurt you." The man says softly.
"That note, I believe it's for me."

The bear is crouched,
Seemingly trying to hide behind the rabbit.

The rabbit sticks his little arms out to his sides,
And shakes his head.

The man frowns.

A lion appears behind him.
And then a tiger.
And then cats and dogs and birds and snakes.

"There haven't been animals in this wood in decades." Explains the man. "All these animals are just like you."

The bears slowly looks up and blinks at the other animals.

The rabbit puts down his arms.
He suddenly bounces towards the man, sniffs him furiously,
And then grabs the note off the bear's neck.
The bear lets out a halfhearted roar,
And sits down.

The man reads the note.
He crushes it in his hands, and calls to the various, now having become animals.
He stands, back turned to the bear.

The bear's eyes go wide.

"All of your people did what they could to protect you. It is now that we seek vengeance for them. It is now that we take back these woods, our land. It is now that we save the remainders of our people. We have become, because of them. It's time we pay our debt!"

The rabbit stands at the man's feet. He looks awe-struck, and he squeaks in agreement while the other animals grown and yowl their responses.

The bear does nothing, but stare at the man's back.

Because out of the man's back
Sticks a wind-up key.
That just keeps on spinning,
With no end in sight.
The final piece to me "Once You Become" set. It is a darker concept based upon the Velveteen Rabbit.
storm siren Dec 2016
The boy looks at the fire.
It only grows larger, it seems, in the dead of night.
There's snow on the ground, but with the fire,
It won't last long.

He runs into the forest behind his house.
Places his black teddy bear in the tree house
They used to spend all summer in.

He ties a note around the teddy bear's neck
With a shoelace.

"I know it's scary, but you have to become, okay?"

A high pitched shriek is heard from below.

He shivers.

"Don't worry. I promise I'll be okay." He crosses his fingers behind his back.
Papa said lying is never good, even if it's for a good reason.
He has to hope Papa is wrong.

He takes in a deep breath,
And climbs down the ladder of the tree house.

There's all kinds of growling and screaming from below.

Later on, near day break,
A large black bear tumbles out of the woods.
He whines and groans
And paws at the ash.

A note is tied around his neck
By an over stretched shoelace.
A (sad and disturbing) spin on the concept of "Becoming Real" from the Velveteen Rabbit.
storm siren Dec 2016
She clutches a stuffed rabbit
Close to her body.
His ears are threadbare,
All the fur has been loved off.

The lights overhead
Can mean life or death,
So she looks into the glassy eyes of her rabbit,
Her eyes imitating his,
What her mother would call "misty eyed".

She stares at the lights,
As they become more and more, ever the closer.
Ever the brighter.

She drops her rabbit into a bush, whispering,
"This is your chance. Go on, become."
The lights get brighter.
The bush does nothing but rustle.
"Please." She whispers.

The lights are too bright.
There's a hissing noise,
And in the shadow of the lights,
Much too bright too see her,
A rabbit with a fluffy white tail,
And very real paws,
Nervously bounds out of the bushes.

The rabbit hesitates,
Almost looks back.

And then he's gone.
A (sad) little spin on "Becoming Real", a concept from the Velveteen Rabbit.

— The End —