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Jacob Cuadro Jul 2015
I once lived in a world with amazing fresh air,

To look at what’s going on and to know I can’t help them seem to be not fair.

We once had long green trees,

But they chop down the oxygen that we breathe.

Starting to shrink as I look up and feel so small.

As the cities expanding and building growing tall.

Mother nature cries seeing her children’s taken away and disappear,

Rain pours from the sky by her sadly tears.

Some companies, industry, corporations, resorts lie say they are green,

But always battling by intervene.

But what they all have in common is they like the taste of honey,

Greedy nothing in the mind but the money.

Trees saved provide food, energy, water, teach us the seasons and actually are made from green papers that most people adore,

A plant that the most unique symbol of life in a beautiful world that human mistakenly ignores.

Before you destroy something listen and hear them speak,

Feel the air as their leaves floating around you with brushing kissing on your cheeks.

Is it really worth killing for an extra space for the earth to carry more weight,

Why suffocate the dust the pollution mankind created never realizing that there making a big mistake.

If it was me I rather live in a forest and lay on the soft dirt where nature collect soil and feel the seeds grow,

And watch the leaves at night shine as they glow.

To sleep on top of the branch as the leaves sing me a song,

As all birds, animals, insect, every creature gathering to share the world by the trees stems holding us together being a friend to welcome me home is place where I belong.

**By Jacob Cuadro
The truth that been ignore.

— The End —