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forestfaith Jun 2018
The waves whispered its last words as it slips back into the deep , mysterious ocean. The whales of the ocean hollered its song, looking for its soulmate , searching for love . The seaweeds sways back and fro reflecting the sun’s light from the heaven above.

As the wind skips on the water , the ocean starts to dance, its waters shoots up from the abyss and waters gathers themselves to form magnificent waves as enormous as the Great Wall of China.As the storm draws near, the wind gets stronger and slices through the waves , causing plants to be out of the sand , and those still holding on swayed vigorously , like a thrashing storm . Even through this , the song of the sea continues … Deep , deep down in the depths of the ocean.

Then , like a knife piercing through the air , the wind went silent , causing silence throughout the sea , the fishes still shocked by the storm slowly but surely crept out from it’s hiding and came out . Soon , the sun begun to disappear into the horizon and the moon crept out from its slumber . Stars sprouted out at the night sky , sparkling like diamonds . The cities of the world have begun to sleep , so was the sea.

The sun then shone it’s light onto the waters with a golden hue , as it crept out of the horizon , it’s light stretched out onto the vast earth . Soon , the earth came alive again and the sea sang its most beautiful song , it’s masterpiece …. THE SONG OF THE SEA …. Although the day ahead might be filled with problems , the creatures of the sea still sang and danced . Although we do not notice anything of that sort , and that the sea is silent and deadly .  But the truth is the sea is singing its song ,  it’s pride , a song that holds the ocean together …. THE SONG OF THE SEA.

Listen carefully and you might hear it….
love this too,ahhhhh

— The End —