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Dark Jewel Jul 2014
Today is a day of darkness...
Many do not see,
The tears that fall.
They feel pain and agony,
When death hath cursed thee.
My family dies one by one,
Where they go to the gates,
Of Heaven or Hell,
Do they make haste.
I fear the time of pain,
Has returned with reign.
For another one is on the way.
Their death will be celebrated,
For they hurt no more.
They dance, sing.
Within the storm.
February twenty-third,
Rest in the peace.
Grandmother the third.
I hope you are joyous,
Behind the gates of light.
You will return one day,
To take another way.
For I fear she is next.
My Aunt, Your friend.
She will have rest,
No more pain, no sorrow.
Just pure happiness,
When she takes her last breath,
Leaving us behind in nest.
She will return after you,
To take another kin,
One day after her death.
It shalt sting.
Requiescat en Pace...

— The End —