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Ananthu M Nair Jun 2016
It began with hope..
Thrived in joy..
Revealed horizons..
And left with dreams..


A journey with no destination..
A life ignited in fear..
Caught the hand of a breeze..
And held it for life..

It flew with grace..
All in place..
Breath to breath..
Soul to soul..
Through clouds afar and skies so cold..
Held on..until twas nothing..but whole..

Embraced with closed eyes..
They were one..

They flew on their will..
Each day..never still..
Unseen lands..unending seas..
Like time and space they never ceased..
In a world with a tale so undefined..
They held the world in a tale of their kind..

They drifted far until the sands..
In the glass of fate fortold of trouble..
Despite the coming storm of death..
They smiled and took that path of harm..
It slashed their souls apart..
And soiled their pride and ripped their heart..
But true to faith and love so pure..
Those hands still held...refused to part..

Embraced with closed eyes..
They were but one..

In time the breeze began to die..
To join the wind it flew so high..
Thoughts of self began to burn..
The core of that which bound their souls..
It craved to live..
Conscience getting feigned in dark clouds..
It dawned in heat..a mirage of lust.. vain..
A desire that broke the way it was..
A desire..One that seemed so hard to pass..
But one that changed all things in a flash..

The grip that once began a tale..
Was now two hands apart and failed..
The wind was not so far behind..
But a life that lived for love..
Just died..

Disgraced within closed eyes..
Lost n was done..


It began with hope..
Thrived in joy..
Revealed horizons..
And left with..
just dreams..

- AMN -
For Eli and Peggy

— The End —