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Poetry by MAN Jun 2014
If I could paint a picture with my words
A pallet of stars..rainbow of verbs
Illuminate the heavens for all to see
Bring everlasting peace to humanity
Alas I know it's just a dream
A *** has to boil to build up steam
There is no clock..Endless is time
A measurement of moments in our mind
Delusion's you trust what you see?
Some were born to question society's vanity
Systems lay broken..Politicians stroking
Humanity choking while solutions lay open
Complicate the simple take us off our path
Study patterns of History do the math
Yesterday's tomorrow is same as today
All a memory in the word of play
I feel the wrong..I feel the right
Living in the middle gives me sight
Beauty within tames the nature of the beast
Pretty words provide hope till we find our peace...
M.A.N 6-16-14

— The End —