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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Scream my heart, and let her go.
Let her go, and don't look back.
But you always look back.
Why do you always look back?
Why can't you just scream...
And let her go?
Written 22 March 2016... finally let her go...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Do masks hide us from others?
Or ourselves?
Why do we try for perfection?
Why not honesty?

A masquerade party,
With charades all 'round,
Deception, lies, arrogance,
Bequeath underlying rot.

Born of falsehood and judgement,
Be better than the person on your left,
Whoever dies with the most toys wins,
Don't you dare take off your mask.
Written 22 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Ripped to smithereens
Supernova in this mind
Too frail to not change
Written 21 March 2016... not sure of the meaning of this one...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
When I am a slave to my own desires,
To my own lusts,
More than I am a slave to You,
To Your Holy Spirit,

I know by my flesh alone,
My worthiness to You,
Is lower than a speck of dust,
Measured against eternity.

You bewilder me with Your,
All-consuming, divine and unfailing grace.

You do it not for my sake, but for Yours.
You alone are all worthy!

Because of You,
Because of what You did,
I am justified in Your almighty eyes,
For you see Your Sacrificial Son covers me.

My transgressions are wiped away,
Stains that were permanent,
Washed by Your blood.

Thank you, Abba!
Your love is mightiest!
All my sins cannot withhold against Your AWESOME POWER!

*"Lord, forgive us when we get consumed by the things of this life that fight for our love, our passion.

As our eyes are open wide on You, Lord, grant us the privilege of Your world view.

And may Your Kingdom be what wakes us up and lays us down.

Written 21 March 2016... prayer is still applicable
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Sickly fingernails,
Pull the skin,
Off my pale face.

Darkness, you were once my friend,
My ally,
My protection from people, like a cloak,
But now...

Why did you betray me?
My trust in you was more than,
10,000 fathoms deep.
Why did you betray me?

Shadows lust for my fear,
You play your game against me,
I have no defense,
You've invaded my mind.

Why did you betray me?
I loved you, darkness...
Written 21 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Crotchety old men reading year-old,
Newspapers and drinking year-old milk,
Suddenly assailed me for some frothy beer;
Jeering I jest that they don't look their best,
Wearing polka dot vests with feathered *******.
(Get those naughty thoughts out your noggins)

Speaking of noggin, I was jogging
With a porch light up Johnson's Hill,
And a dog dug a jig from a neon sign,
That had velvet written on it,
From a German gnome,
Born from a dwarf!
What a lucky find!

I'll index it next to the index finger,
But first I'll clean it with Windex.

Sleep? Sle3p? Sl33p?
Written 21 March 2016... guess I was really exhausted writing this, because I have no memory of it. Lol
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Amazing writer
I adore your awesome works
Written 21 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Evening twilight now
Rubies and gold glow the sky
Crickets symphony
Written 21 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Once upon a time...

Seconds turn to minutes,
As we meet for the first time,
A gift from above, so divine.

Minutes turn to hours,
And it feels like an eternity,
An eternity I've known you.

Hours turn to days,
The zeal, the vitality,
Starts fading like snow.

Days turn to weeks,
I wonder if I should say hi,
Wonder if I should give up.

Weeks turn to months,
And the grave is being dug,
The bridge starts to burn.

Months turn to years,
And it's become too late,
All is lost, all is a stale grey.

Years turn to today,
Today I thought of you,
And I regret that we lost touch.

The End...
Written 20 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Whistle silent,
Against the drapes,
Leave me alone,
Don't let go.

Soothing peace,
Upended by burdens,
Strong will,
Sliced by harm's way.

You are my peace,
You are my burden,
You are my strength,
You are my harm.

So whistle loud,
Against the window,
Don't let go,
Leave me alone.
Written 20 March 2016
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