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Awesome Annie Aug 2014
You fit into my thoughts like your poems fit in my pocket...

Delightfully comfortable.

I could write you a list so long, outlining all my flaws.

You call me beautiful and I can almost see it.

Hands could intertwine and it could be so wonderful..

But you'd have to get to know me.

Walls could come down...

But you'd get to close.

It could be wonderful for awhile.

Bodies tangled and laughter filling our hearts.

But I get scared so easily.

You are a masterpiece...

I'm resisting the impulse to run as emotions take me.

But I know an absence of you would always linger in-between if I did.

All I know at this moment..

Is I couldn't stand for "us" to be another broken memory along the floor.

But how could that be possible when I'm so consumed with thoughts of you.

— The End —