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Jonathan Moya Nov 2020
All you wicked men
what is wrong with you?

There is no black Justice
seen on the Sistine Chapel.

Only the stupidities that
can make a stuff bird laugh-

the small axe ready
to cut the big tree down.

Based loosely on theSteve McQueen anthology  of films.  The first in the series is titled Mangrove.  The title is from a Bob Marley song.
Sous les draps de ta pyramide

On a vue en 3D sur la mangrove


De rhizomes entrelacés

À perte de vue.

Et j'essaie le sabre aux lèvres

Grâce à mon géo-radar

De me frayer un chemin dans le feu inextricable

Vers ta chambre nuptiale

D'eau enchevêtrée d'éclairs et de lave en fusion.

Sous les draps de ta pyramide

J'emprunte ta face Nord

À travers une oubliette à l'abri des regards

Des crabes et des salamandres

J'emprunte la descenderie

Et au bout du couloir

Me voici à l'antichambre

Et un sphynx exige de moi un mot de passe

Pour accéder au nec plus ultra de tes entrailles.

Et je dis : soldat du feu !

Et ce que je croyais être un simple feu de broussailles

De mangle rouge momifié

Se révèle un feu de jungle folle

Où sauterelles et criquets grésillent

Sous les flammes humides de ta chrysalide.

Et j'ouvre ma pompe et j'arrose

De mon eau de rose ton sanctuaire

De fleur de grenade inviolée

Et je comble ta faim

D'un bon mortier fait de venin de sable et de sève d'argile

Montante et descendante

Que tu dégustes en te pourléchant les lèvres.

Pour ne pas en perdre une miette.
Down in the bayou where the mangroves grow
There's talk of black voodoo, like Marie Leveau
The Swamp Witch, is legend, she has magic so black
That those who have seen her, have never come back
There;s tales of the noises that come from the dark
Of werewolves and zombies as rough as the bark
The mangroves are sentinels, to where the magic resides
Where even a longboat has no room to glide
Bodies go missing from the graveyards most nights
And there's always a fog shading the fireflies lights
The Swamp Witch is ruler and Queen of this world
Where souls are all taken and spines can be curled
They say that she came here from Canadian lands
She was a metis they say, from the Western Tar Sands
A mystic by nature, a dark witch by blood
She lives deep in the swamp, protected by gators and mud
The gators respect her, they do as she bids
They keep watch on the waters, they're her reptillian kids
She keeps zombies as gendarmes, collecting bodies to turn
Just how black is her magic, no one can discern
The Swamp Witch is legend, she is as old as all time
The air in the bayou is as thick as the slime
The cajuns say voodoo is the core of her heart
They avoid fishing where the mangrove trees start
The Swamp Witch, a legend ? or is she truly the Queen
She's the Louisiana Witch, no one survives once she's seen.....

— The End —