A drop in the ocean,
The tiny soundless death of a baby,
The distant explosion of a swelling star,
The second that skips by,
The full breath you take of the salty watery air,
As you close your eyes for the jump.
Your tear was a drop in the Ocean of Tears,
Your innocence was the death of a baby,
Your universe was wiped out by the star’s destruction,
The second that it took to realize,
There is nothing left to live for,
There is nothing better to die for.
The deep breath you take of the salty teardrop in the air,
Of my ocean filled with the suffering of all,
Of the time that always refused to past,
Of the time that was condemned to be lost,
Of the voices who went past unspoken and unheard,
Of the tears that weighed down individual souls.
And there in the depths of the very bottom,
Among the watery scars and faded dreams,
Seated on the throne of salty forbidden tears,
Surrounded by others who were lost like you,
I await your descent,
Into my kingdom,
Into my Ocean of Tears.