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Dream Oct 2018
I am made by your opinions, not skin.
I am polite as i am vulnerable. And i am quite when your bass speaks.
I cover up as men stare,lustfull eyes look if your skin is too bare.
I dress to impress,I cannot be a mess.
If i am too lean i am anorexic, If i am too chubby i am fat.
If i wear specs,i must surely play chess.
If i walk with my head held high my ego is too big.
If i look into your eyes I'm probably overconfident.
If i see your flaws i am too judgmental.

I am a woman, not of skin but of your words.
Women need to break illusions of being inferior. And women need to stop judging other women. If we want to be treated equally to men then we need to stand united. If we feud amongst ourselves we are  defeating the purpose of fighting for respect. Nonetheless i am a proud woman. I thrive to encourage women in the world to not bow down to men as if we are their property. We need to unite and stand up for fellow women who go through lots of sh*t. *** trade, ****, being paid less and inferior treatment in the workplace is unacceptable. We need to fight for the respect we deserve. Women are not *** toys and men need to grasp this concept. Sooner or later.
Blake Jan 2018




That's all we hear


Over and over again

When does it end

When will the stigma fade?


We are beautiful

We are strong

We are not;


Made of sugar and spice and everything nice

We are made of steel

We are born of strong mothers

And Grandmothers who went through it all

Who carried the weight of the world on their backs to make a better world for us.

We are told from a young age that we can't do anything

And I'm here to change that

Be you

Be strong

Be like a girl.

— The End —