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JLF Oct 2014
Lately the anger has controlled me,
I don't know what to do,
My head knows I shouldn't,
My heart tells me to.

Why am I so sad?
Why have I been so mad?
It's a girl you see,
I like her but she doesn't like me.
I'm not in love,
I'm not hypnotized by her,
I am let down.

Sure she is so pretty,
Compassionate too,
But this is not love.  
I am just let down.

In the end,
I am pathetic as could be.
This poem really pointless
And embarrassing.
But it is the source of escape
For I don't want to speak.
I talk of her sometimes,
But in the end,
She is just a mere thought.

One day I will laugh at this,
Realize how dumb I was,
As for now I am sad.
Maybe a little mad.
But one day I'll smile,
Maybe even chuckle,
At how my ignorance
was so incredibly bliss.

— The End —