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Brother Jimmy May 2017
Don’t be complacent
Do what you know will open you
Do what you know will melt you
Do what you know will renew you, and those around you

The way exists.
The way is open.

Overcome sin

Not that You Must it's compulsory

It’s not Thou Shalt overcome sin…like some sort of guarantee

But Thou Mayest

It is possible!

**The way exists!
The way is open.
Pauline Morris Jun 2016
Oh Dear sweet vengeful God
Over this rocky earth I have trod
Please take me from this land of Nod

My body's old and I'm bone weary
This life you gave me was so dark and dreary
The depravity of man has left me teary

The dark deeds of man is all you've shown
Sorrow is all I've ever known
Please Dear God, just take me home
The Land of Nod is where Cain was exiled to after he killed Abel

— The End —