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Jemoh Feb 2016
Encroaching on my personal space
I am Bombarded by these images
Children with hopes Dashed
No links to the outside world
Always under constant threat
Rubber bullets flying,
Tears running from the gassed air
Vision blurred
A memory of what they never had
Forces keep creeping in
The boarders keep retreating inwards

No longer settled, should they settle for less
The settlements all around them
Rapidly they are moving but who is to stop them
He who dare risks the draconian approach of Goliath
Little David with his sling and stone
Wont Match the might and force wielded upon him
There is no escape from the eagle eye of Goliath forces

Peace is only considered achievable by constant aggression
Dissent calls for harsher treatments
They have essentially been brought as slaves within their tuff
The walls surrounding them,
Locking them in
They have to settle for less
Constant harassment and humiliation is the order of the day
The bus stops
They've got to set down
Awaiting verification
No pass means no pass!

Those deemed unsuitable have to settle for a return to the human cage
Senselessly caged like hens
Not to be set loose and free
For them freedom is an illusion
The desired but unattainable
Shall we sit idle?
Their hopes and dreams rest on our shoulders
We must challenge the status quo.
We seldom forget how alienating our action can be. We conform to forms of authority who exercise their control over others but we often stay quite without uttering any word. We just cant it anymore but must look for ways of infiltrating this systems be it by awakening others to see these abuses so that they can be shamed and defeated
Jemoh Feb 2016
A cry for the little young ones
Born in the world without care
Hopes dashed the moment the set foot out
It's so cold out there with no one to comfort them
Nor catapult them into the sky above
RIP to the dreams they once had

Those dreams lay restless in pieces
Tormenting their inner peace with what could have been
It's a constant cycle, their vision clouded by nightmares
Who's out there to shine bright
Be a lighthouse that guides those who stray

This world ain't just for those young ones
It drags them down reducing them to lowly creatures
Be without care of another and another
Another mother without a son or daughter
Why can't we engender love for the human race
Loyalty, honour and respect is all that is needed
Yet we go the wrong way attaining it

We can't let them down now
Their glory rests on our shoulder
We just can't stay enclosed
Unwrap the shackles
The future stars shine brighter
Keep our gaze on the horizon
Never look down
Now is the time for the young soul to be exalted
Jemoh Jan 2016
My heart has been dragged out
By the revelations
Why did it have to be by you
I invested all but this is what I got in return
Your love must have been like the Enron shares
As for me it reported negative equity
Was it a Ponzi scheme designed to rob me to pay to Others!
How about little Kittens
I hope it meant something?
But to be robbed of adoration
Just *****!

— The End —