Cataclysmic events that unravel in my head.
Still trying to distinquish if im living or I'm dead.
Why must I be so paranoid.
Sometimes I think id be better off an android.
A robot programmed not to think.
Its that im so stubborn so insanely adamant.
Im hoping to one day wake up and come to my senses.
Tear down the walls of all my emotional defenses.
Break through these shackles that have held me down.
No longer lost for I will be found.
Gracious lights that shine from above.
Penetrate my darkness and engulf me with love.
Im ready to live and im prepared to die.
Im a baby bird jumping from my nest and dared to fly.
The fortress that imprisoned me..
The one that ive been desperately trying to flea.
Im finally ready...
Finally ready to be free...