with reluctance
became my favourite word..
i did not
carve myself
a chaotic mess of a Julia set
nor did i
a labyrinth of crosswords.
i have
one of everything you have
two of everything you have
and yet
we are no mirror of each other;
my hands are extended
when your hands are not
as if
you were such a simpleton
the easiest book to be judged by its cover
and yet
you are such a simpleton
judging me by my cover
writing me off
before you read my contents..
please don't say
i'm were just lazy
to try
to solve this problem
to you
was complex like Julia set
build upon
thousands of crossword puzzle..
i can't count the number of people who don't understand me or don't even make the effort to understand me in my life, they think they know what's best..well whatever, probably i do not understand them as well ?