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pnam Jun 2020
My love wishing you the best of birthdays
May the day shower you with love bouquets

On this day wishing you a world of happiness
A life filled with joyous love that is endless

Months ago since the day we spoke on phone
Thank you for all the deep love you've shown

In you I found the mystic eternal lover
Love to prove wrong any mortal doubter

You have a priceless loving heart of gold
Always there  when I want to be consoled

The beautiful poetic verses you share
Rhyming words of love makes hearts a pair

Being with you makes every moment shine
Treasured memories in love when we entwine

When not around you are always on my mind
To thrive on love from your heart so kind

I wish I was there on this day to hold you
To feel you, to touch you and to kiss you

Just so you know to me you are always dear
Will make it up when we meet again to cheer
Blue Jun 2019
I was born on this day 17 years ago
People say it is the best time to live
But I say let me back when I was 10

I feel lonely
I feel anxious
I feel sad and I feel depressed

Why does nobody love me
I only need this day to feel like it lasts forever
I know it won’t
But I need 24 hours that I can call my own

Good friends
Bad frineds
Great friends and enemies

So sad that I have no one
And there is this empty box inside me that needs to be filled
But who can fill it
If not you

So , call me
I only need one voice to say to me
Happy birthday

— The End —