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I know this is not a poem but I want to say what has been on my mind of the longest time. And this goes to anybody with a hurtful attitude even me, the one who though take she could never do anything wrong. well, guess what I was wrong.  I never thought about the outcome of something  until it happens. Stealing money from my dad was the must hatful thing I  could ever done and then having to guts to lie about it. It hurts you so bad and it will eat your insides completely.
In the bible the KING JAMES BIBLE VERSION. it says nobody will know the time or the hour. when will he be here? I answered that question. John 15:14 states "Ye have not seeked me, I have seeked you" Jesus knew what he was doing when he created us for a reason. Jesus knew what we are thinking before we even was created. he knows are ever move.

I am done for now but here is the main thing. If your name is not written in the lambs book of life, I am truely sorry my friend but you wont go to heaven. Trust in him and call apon he Jesus Christ for forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into your heart and take control over you.

Amen. Jesus Christ be with you ALL!!!
I am willing to help you get saved let me know.

— The End —