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Valarola Nikola Apr 2019
When I'm feeling ***** because of what you did,
When I feel grungy cause of the things you said,
Because you were the greatest actress of them all,
And here I am taking your well deserved fall,
Sitting in my misery and pain and disgust,
While you sit pretty on your throne made of rust,
Because you're rotting from the inside,
And soon there will be no where left to hide,
From who you are, who you really are,
And I'll be over here, not giving one care,

Come feel ***** like me,
And then maybe you'll see,
Why I do what I do to not be me,
Yeah maybe then my Momma will see,
Why I'd rather get on my knees,
For some ***** *** ****,
Than think about for a moment or two,
What you made me do to you,

I'm crawling through this life covered in the past,
Can't seem to shake it, no matter how much time does pass,
But that's okay, because I know you're dying inside,
While you live you're perfect little life,
Hiding secrets so deep, it must be burning you alive,
I tried to **** myself so many times,
Did you ever wonder if it was because of you?
Was there ever a shred of guilt inside of you?
One day I hope your house of glass shatters,
And you get cut to pieces and left in tatters,

Come feel ***** like me,
And then maybe you'll see,
Why I do what I do to not be me,
Yeah maybe then my Momma will see,
Why I'd rather get on my knees,
For some ***** *** ****,
Than think about for a moment or two,
What you made me do to you.

— The End —