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G A Lopez Mar 2020
You fought silent battles
You cried because of loneliness
But no one noticed your brokenness
And you let depression **** your happiness

You started building your self-esteem again
Until someone tries to break you
But never happened
'Cause you are braver than them

This time, I choose positivity
Never let anxiety to eat me
I am a soldier
I am a brave fighter.
don't let negativity **** your happiness
Karishma Yadav Jan 2019
My lungs breathe in the air and breathe it out just fine
And yet I don’t understand why I am dying.
I hear people say I think too much.
Maybe it really is my thoughts
That is choking not my lungs but my mind.
But I still don’t understand why,
Why would my thoughts intoxicate me?
Leave me to rot and suffer as I wait
For my slow and never-ending fate!
Every second of my existence that passes by
I feel not just alone but lost in my own mind
No, don’t ask me to talk about it
Cuz I’ve got trust issues and I’m scared,
I’m scared of what this slow death is doing with me
Making me comfortable with the chaos hidden inside
It wants me to push everyone away,
For it wants to have me all for itself
And that is not what scares me the most,
It is a part of my own that wants to surrender.
Maybe surrendering to it is my only way out.
I am tired of listening to my thoughts,
Reminding me of everything I’ve lost,
Reminding me that I am all alone
And tell me over and over again
That embracing the chaos that lives in me
Is my last shot to survive this storm.
I am drawn towards things that cut and burn
And with the storm raging inside,
I’m not sure if I have a lot of time.
I am fighting every day,
Choking on my own breath every second
But I may also give up any minute
And maybe when my ashes are finally scattered away,
I’ll not be a hostage in my body anymore
For I’ll find my freedom,
I’ll find my solace!

Karishma Yadav
This poem talks about the mind-state of a person suffering from depression who is not aware of it. Depression is not a small issue, it has to be addressed and talked about. Spread awareness about the matter so that more and more precious lives are saved!
carlota Oct 2018
In the darkest hour
In a lonely night
With the roaring thunder
I begged and cried
Drowned with the tears and words
That Whispers through the wind
Caress of the cold to my skin,
It burned me to ashes,
Then bring me to death

In a stormy night
The devil's rise
I let it in, i let it burn,
Engrave me my name
Cut deeper into my arm,
I found home in the chaos
But to whom I search my soul?

I am a fallen
I am doomed
Shutted by everything
And now I became the pieces that cannot be connected

Maybe, I'm a dead living
Afraid of dark
But much afraid of light
Dwelling in a war of hope

Wake me with the sky so blue
And the moon so bright
Hug me with the tenderness i must feel,
Teach me the words to show,
Plant me the heart i need.
Then, Let me grow, Let me live
Help me out.
Even when the road is rough we must still look at some point to put hope in ourselves.

— The End —